I nodded mutely and followed Edward into the garage. We were going in the Volvo and picking up Anthony on our way to Seattle. Since I was playing a fifteen year old, I wasn’t able to drive my own car, much to my annoyance.

I climbed in the passenger seat just as Edward shut his door. I wanted a couple hours of normalness; I wanted time with my new human friend.

I know for a fact that this little going out will result in a new found relationship between Tony and me, my visions are normally correct when it comes to things like this. Then again, since I woke up again, my visions have never been wrong; some were uncertain but never completely wrong.

Edward picked at Anthony’s brain a couple days ago and so he knew where exactly he lived. I didn’t mind Edward looking out for me, it made me think of him as the brother I never had.

To be honest, the Cullen family has started feeling more like my family. Since my real family sent me away, Carlisle was the father I never had and Edward, Raphael and Emmett were the brothers I never had. As well as Rosalie and Bella who were my older sisters/best friends I never had and Renesmee and Jacob were like the cousins I never had. Jamie was, well, just an acquaintance, we never really talked, but we just lived comfortably together. Esme was the woman who eased my yearning for my mother and younger sister, she helped sooth my sadness on losing them. 

Jasper, was well, Jasper. My so called ‘husband’ who manipulates and controls me, who cannot let me be. I just don’t like him, end of story.

“Why?” Edward asked from beside me. I hadn’t noticed that we were now speeding down the streets of Forks.

“Stop picking at my thoughts, please Edward. It’s rude.”

“It’s very hard to ignore them when you tend to let the volume rise well over maximum.”

I huffed and glanced at him. “I just don’t like him. He’s been manipulating my emotions lately, making me feel something for him. It’s wrong.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Have you ever thought that it wasn’t him who has put this feeling in you, but it was actually you yourself?”

“It isn’t Edward. I love my angel and I’m interested in Anthony.”

“You’re choices are yours alone. I’m simply saying that you should cut Jasper some slack. He’s trying to deal. The beginning of his vampire life consisted of lies and blood. Once he met you, you became his primary focus, his reason to live. It’s hard for him to find reasons to carry on when you keep giving him the cold shoulder. He actually does believe you hate him, after you swore to never hurt him.”

“Tell me, when did I promise him that?!” My voice was rising as my anger boiled under the surface of my skin.

“On your wedding day, I’ve seen his memories of it. He’s replaying special memories in his head these days,” Edward explained.

I looked down, my anger burning out. “O-our wedding day?”

Red Star (After Breaking Dawn...)Where stories live. Discover now