t h i r t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

"Eric, before you go, please stop by my desk to pick your syllabus. Make sure you take a good look at it, son."

Man, that kid is such a pussy.

He stops flirting with Jaide and sits properly.

Once Jaide got what she wanted she waited in her seat after class until it was only her and I.

"Am I in trouble?" She asks walking her way towards my classroom desk.

"Next time, if something isn't stated towards you, please don't take it upon yourself to speak for someone else."

"I was tryna he-" I cut her off.

"He has a mouth of his own. This is not fucking highschool, Jaide. Grow up."

"Grow up? You're the one who's acting like a little child. You need to grow up."

"That's all I had to say. You can leave now." I dismiss her but she didn't walk out.

"You get a job as a teacher and think you're on top." She pleaded.

"Excuse me?"

"I was going to apologize to you after what I did in your office the other day because I could've got you into serious trouble but now, you don't even deserve one."

"You're dismissed."

"Am I an enemy now because I feel like one."

"Jaide, make sure you take this class seriously. I need chapters twenty through thirty completed. We're having a socratic seminar as well so prepare your notes."

"Blah, blah-"

"Make sure you cite your evidence as well." She rolls her eyes at me. There was complete silence in the air. I got distracted by my own thoughts forgetting for a brief moment that she was still here.

"Can I ask you something?" She breaks the haunting silence.

"What is it?"

"Are you back together with your ex?"

"No, why?"

"So why are you acting like a total douche?"

I walk towards her. We're standing face to face. I was looking at her lips and then her eyes. I forgot how cute she was up close. Her features are mesmerizing. I just wanna pinch her chubby cheeks.

"Look, Jaide, I know this may suck a lot but I'm. . ." I touched her shoulders to comfort her because I have a feeling the next couple of words coming out of my mouth will destroy her and she'll break into tears. "I'm not into you anymore. It died. I'm twenty-six, you're nineteen. I'm a teacher, you're a student. Do you see where I'm going with this? I just want you to understand that before things get out of proportion."

She was trying her hardest not to cry.

I didn't want to see her cry.

I kept my true emotions hidden.

"Wow, here I am."


"I was just starting to love you. I've never loved anyone you know that. Never! You're my first and all I want is to be in love with you." She walks out of my class.

I was lost for words. I didn't think she'd fall in love with me. I did not see that coming.

"Jaide, get back here." This is all my fault and I fucked everything up!!

I chased her. She kept zig zagging devilishly changing directions. I did not want to make it obvious that there was something going on between us to the public eye so I quickly walked a couple inches behind.

She finally walks down a path where no contact with other human beings will be made. We're alone now.

I ran up to her and grabbed her arm aggressively. She gasps at me.

"Ow, that hurts you fucking lumberjack." Jaide insults me as she comes forward a bit closer to my chest.

"You are not in love with me, okay. It's just a bunch of little feelings that completely took over you. You think you're in love but you are not."

"Who are you to tell me what I feel?"

"You don't want to be in love with me, baby girl. Trust me."

"Damon, let go of me please before I get us both in trouble," She yanks her arm out of my hand. "Why can't you just man up?" She says from afar.


Awwwie poor Jaidieee bears. JAIDE AND DAMON BE LIKE :


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