Bloody Return [I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing]

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Yuki jumped in surprise while watching the full moon when someone entered in her room and called her abruptly.

"K-kaname. Doushite?" (Why?)

The leader of the Kuran family stared at her intently, as if trying to read her mind. It gave her shivers through her spine; Not because of his level over her,

Not anymore, when she already knew she belonged with them.

Perhaps it is the long lasting love she has felt for him...

Love for a lover, but technically love fo her brother.

Perhaps it's still love.


"We'll go back. Tomorrow."

Yuki's eyes went wide when she heard the news, excited with the knowledge she just learned. "Really?!"

"You looked very happy. Did you miss Kiryuu that much?" He said with a hint of jealousy in it.

Yuki's cheeks flushed, with embarrassment. He hit the bull's eye, but never she'll admit it to him totally. "Of course. As well as father, and Yori-chan, too."

"Is that so," he said like he just wanted to believe her.  "Then pack your things and get ready. I don't want any interruptions to our travel tomorrow night. " He said and left the room after leaving a kiss on her cheek.

She smiled from the bottom of her heart and started to pack for her things.


Cross Academy, The next night

It's night time, and Zero, as the prefect, is busy guarding the academy from unnecessary evnts that could happen around.

He's alone with the job, but it's not so much of a problem; Not at all when he possess the power of a vampire.

The problem is the emptiness in her heart when he does his job, and remembering the girl he loves.

He leaned behind one of the trees in front of the main building of the academy. He remmbered what the director told him two days ago.

"They will come back, soon..."

That's what he only said, and it gave a huge impact to me up until now.

He felt mixed emotions upon hearing the director's announcement:


What could happen if I see her?


That he would soon see her again,

She, who believed in him,

She who never left him when he started to become a Level E vampire.

And at the same time, he felt hatred and despise,

Of her true nature;

Her nature who killed his family, who made his life worse, who made him as he is now.

But actually, the feeling that rose above others is WANT.

WANT to taste her again.

WANT to feed on her again.

Just like now;

Just thinking of Yuki wakes the vampire's nature inside him.

His whole body is in heat...

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