
Go read "The Kiss" The chapter is called, "Scavenger hunt" It has the rest of the day on there.


October 29th- 16 weeks and two days pregnant.

"I feel so bloated today!" Jessica pouts and put her hand on her stomach.
"Well the baby's growing, Princess." Danny says standing behind her, as he wraps his arm around her and places his hand on her stomach.
He kisses her shoulder then lays his head on her.
"You okay?  I know you're probably anxious about today."
"What?  Oh you mean my parents meeting my kids for the first time?  Hah!  No, it'll be great!" She sarcastically says.
"Oh baby, it'll be fine.  I'll be with you the entire time.  I really think it's gonna be okay."
He turns her around to face him and puts his hands on her waist.
"Thank you for being such an amazing man.  You've been my rock through this whole thing... You're always my rock, babe." She smiles.
"Aw, well that's what I'm here for.  I just don't want you stressing out about anything.. you're too pretty for that." He smiles and softly caresses his finger on her cheek.
She smiles and looks towards the ground.
Danny gently lifts her chin up and gives her a soft kiss.

After they break the kiss Danny says, "Are you hungry?"
"Mhm.." She nods as she bites her bottom lip.
"Well what does my baby want today?"
"Mmm.. Bacon and eggs!" She smiles.
"No problem! Is that alright with you, little guy?!" Danny rubs her stomach then gets on his knees to talk to the baby.
He kisses her stomach then leave his nose and lips on her belly and says, "I am your father!" In a Darth Vader voice.
"Aw stop it! You're gonna scare him!" She laughs.
"Him? So you think it's a boy too?" He looks up at her.
"I have a feeling, but I just hate calling my baby an it! I switch it up and I'll say Her sometimes.. Like She has been kicking mommy a lot more. Her little movements are becoming stronger." She smiles.
"But you think it's a boy?"
"I don't know... But what I do know, is that no matter what this baby is, him or her and their momma are very hungry!"
"Oops! Sorry, babe!" Danny laughs and stands up.

As Danny get breakfast ready, Jessica gets the kids up.
"Gabby, get up.. We're gonna meet grandma and grandpa today."
"I sleeping.."
"Yeah I know. Get up!" She throws a stuffed animal at her.
"Ow!" She yells.
"Oh please, my little drama queen!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"Get up so you can eat breakfast and get ready." She yanks the blankets off, then grabs her ankle and pulls her off the bed.
"Get up! Let's go!"
Gabriella stands up, grabs her blanket and marches downstairs with a pout and mumbling stuff about Jessica.
"Love you!" Jessica smiles.

Next she goes to wake Isaiah up.
When she walked in, he was already standing up and smiling when she walked into the room.
"Hi baby! There's my happy boy!" She reaches her hands out for him.
"Mommy!" He says in a cute voice, before he baby talks and bounces his legs in excitement.
She picks him up and kisses his cheek.
"Good morning! Did you sleep well? Huh? Did you have nice dreams?"
Isaiah just smiles at her and she says, "I bet they were all about num nums, weren't they?" She laughs.
"Num nums!" His mouth waters and he moves his mouth like he's eating.
"You want some eggs?"
"You don't?! Why not?"
"I want num nums!"
"Nothing beats mommy's num nums." She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Feeding time?" Danny asks as Jessica walks down with Isaiah on her hip while nursing him.
"Yep!" She laughs.

Gabriella was sitting on the couch with her blaket wrapped over the top of her head and around her body.
"Don't be so grumpy!" Jessica tells her.
"You woke me up!" She pouts.
"Well I'm sorry for being so cruel!" Jessica plays as Gabriella give her a look.
"Stop that! I came up with that look! That is my look!" Jessica yells.
"Mhm! You both have that same, I'm gonna kill you look." Danny laughs.
Jessica chuckles and Gabriella yells, "I'm hungry!"
"Well daddy's making breakfast."
"Zaya's already eating!"
"Because I am a twenty-four hour service, Gabriella!"
Danny laughs and Jessica says, "Do want what your brother's eating?"
"Ew No!" She makes a face.
"Gabby! That is not nice! Just a little after he was born you wanted to be nursed."
"But I not like that anymore."
"Alright then keep your mouth quiet and wait for your food." She says sitting beside her.
Gabriella gets up and moves to the other couch.
"You don't wanna sit with me?"
"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine this morning.." She says as Isaiah reaches his hand up and plays with her mouth.
"And you! You're just always happy! Aren't you, baby boy?" She smiles at him.
He takes her boob out of his mouth and stands up on the couch.
Jessica picks her cami up and sticks her boob back in then lifts the bottom of her shirt and cleans his milk covered mouth.
"You are so different than your sister!" She giggles.
"Gabriella is not a morning person! Are you, Gabby?"
"Don't talk to me!" She covers her face with her blanket.

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