This girl is good

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A few days later***

We're gonna miss you uncle George!" Jessica pouts as she holds Gabriella.
"Awe I'll miss you all too, but I'm only a few minutes away.. Besides Danny's an excellent cook so I'll be over here all the time!" He says making Jessica laugh.
"He yeah.. He certainly knows cook." She smirks and looks over to the side.
"Oh no Jessica stop!  I didn't ask for all that!" He makes a face.
She laughs and says, "I'm just messing with you!"

Danny helps him pack up his car then George picks Gabriella up and says, "You can come visit me whenever you want little one.  Just let me know if these two get on your nerves and I'll be right over." He jokes and pokes her stomach.
He kisses her then goes to Jessica and says, "Thanks for letting me stay here for a while."
"It's not a problem at all, we love having you!" She hugs him.
He thanks Danny and shakes his hand then heads over to his new place.

The next day***

"Gabriella, are you ready for your first dance class today?!" Jessica asks in a cute voice.
"Yeah!" She says as she lifts her arms up and spins.
"Awe very good, baby girl!"
"I dance now, mommy?" She asks.
"Not for a few hours, sweet girl." She rubs Gabriella's stomach.
"Are you hungry?"
"Yes!  Num nums!" She gets excited.
"Alright, well daddy's making us some num nums right now."
"Yay daddy!"
"Yeah, yay daddy!" Jessica laughs.
"What baby?"
"Can I see my baby?"
"You wanna see your baby?" She chuckles.
"Yeah!  I wanna see my baby!" She lifts Jessica's shirt.
"Okay hold on, let me sit back." Jessica leans back and pulls her shirt up under her boobs.
"Yay baby!" Gabriella lays her head on her stomach wraps her arms around her.
"You're a big baby!" Gabriella says to her belly and giggles.
"Yes he is, isn't he?" Jessica laughs.
"Yeah.  Mommy?  I want him out!" Gabby pats her stomach.
"Me too, baby." She smiles and rubs her hand on the side of her face.
"Can you take him out now?  Please?" She gives her puppy dog eyes.
"Well at least you're polite!" She laughs then adds, "But I can't take him out until he's ready."
"Oh... Come out baby!" She yells to her stomach, making Jessica laugh.


Later that day.

Danny and Jessica sit cuddled up on the couch talking and Gabriella runs over and taps Jessica's legs, "Mommy change me!  I have dance!"
"Haha, it's still a little early, let's wait just a little while longer okay?"
"Okay!" She says as she lays her head on her leg.
"Awe, such a sweet girl!" She runs her fingers thru hair.

Danny picks her up and sits her between them.
"You're gonna be such a pretty ballerina, Gabriella!" He tells her.
"Yeah!" She giggles.
"Well aren't you modest!" Jessica laughs.

"Ooh!" She jumps and touches the side of her stomach, "You okay?" Danny asks.
"Yeah, it just feels like his little hand or foot is in my ribs!" She laughs.
"Tell me about it!" She rolls her eyes.
She lifts her shirt up and giggles, "Danny, look at my belly button!"
"It's an outie now!" He laughs and pokes it.
When he pokes it the baby starts to kick her hard.
"Ah!  Okay... He didn't like that!" Jessica says.
"Man this little guy wants to come out now!" He says with his hand on her stomach.
"I know!  He is wild!"


"Alright now it's time to get dressed, Gabby!"
"Yay!" She says in a high pitched voice.

As Jessica puts her tights and leotard on her she says, "Aunt Sarah, uncle Evan, uncle George and mommy and daddy are all gonna watch you dance like a pretty ballerina today, so you have to be on your best behavior and listen to your dance teacher!"
Gabriella just smiles.
"Are you gonna be a good girl and listen to your teacher?"
"Yes! She jumps.
"Okay, and no biting!" She points her finger at her.
"If you do really really good then mommy and daddy will take you out for ice cream."
"Yay!" She gets excited.

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