I forgive you

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A few days later, they get ready to head over to Evan and Sarah's.
Gabriella's sitting on the sink while Jessica does her hair.
"Mommy, where we going?" Gabriella asks.
"We are going to aunt Sarah and uncle Evan's so that we can be there when they announce that they are having a baby!"
"Yeah.  You know Gabby, I am so proud of you for keeping two such big secrets!"
"I get a prize?!" She smiles.
"How about a kiss?" Jessica laughs.
"Okay!" Gabriella puckers her lips.
"Muah!  Alright, now lets go." She picks her up and puts her on the ground.
"Oh you're getting so big!" She sighs.
"Yeah!  I three!"
"Yes you are!  I still can't believe it!" Jessica smiles just as she feels the tiniest little flutter in her stomach.
She gasps and puts her hand on her bump.
"What happened, mommy?"
"I think I just felt the baby move!" She smiles.
"I wanna feel!  I wanna feel!" Gabriella jumps up and down to feel her stomach.
"It's too soon for you to feel it, but lets go tell daddy!"

"Daddy!  Daddy!  Mommy just felt the baby move!" Gabriella says as they come down the stairs.
"I did!  Danny, I felt our little nugget!" She smiles and runs towards him.
"You did?!  That's awesome, baby!" Danny smiles.
"I know!  There's really a baby in there!" She smiles and puts both hands on her stomach.
"You are so cute!" He chuckles.
"I've missed this feeling. It's one of the best feelings ever, and one that you'll never forget."
Danny smiles at her as she smiles into space with her hands on her stomach.

"Anyway, we better go!  Oh and Gabby, remember not a word about aunt Sarah's baby."
"Got it!" She smiles and gives her a thumbs up.


"Hey you guys, come on in!" Evan opens the door.
Gabriella runs in and goes straight for Charlie, their puppy.
"Well hello to you too!" Evan laughs.
"Excuse her!  Gabriella, say hi!" Jessica says.
"Its fine, let her play." He chuckles.
"So how are you and little Langster?"
"We're good!  I actually just felt them move before we left the house." She smiles.
"You did?  No way!  That's awesome, Jess!" He hugs her.
"I know, it's starting to feel so real now!  Speaking of babies, where's your baby momma?"
"She's upstairs.. Can you please tell her how beautiful she is?  She thinks her face looks fat."
"Awe, Sarah!  Of course I'll tell her.  It's a hard time she's going through.. Lord knows I've been there, so I'll talk to her."
"Thanks Jess."
"No problem! That's what I'm here for." She smiles and walks towards the stairs.

As Jessica walks upstairs, Isaiah walks over then crawls up the stairs, beside her.
"Are you following me?" She smiles down at him.
"Let's go see your aunt Sarah." She picks him up and walks to the room.

"Knock knock, biotch!" She says walking into her room.
"Hey Jess.."
"Why the long face?! This is a happy day!"
"I look fat!"
"Oh Sarah, you do not! You look beautiful! And you know I don't lie. I always tell it like it is."
"That's true.."
Jessica sits on her bed and puts Isaiah beside her.
"Well then you need to believe me! Sarah, I know that this is a difficult time, physicality and mentally, but this is the good part of your pregnancy.. So enjoy it! I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and just see a whole lot of chub, but sweetie.. That's your baby! Your body changes because there's life growing inside of you! That is the most amazing feeling, ever." She smiles.
"I know, and I feel selfish for the way Im acting, but it just got to me today."
"It's normal, babe.. Just enjoy your pregnancy and embrace every pound you gain.. Oh and pray to God that your baby isn't a beast baby like mine.. Isn't that right, Isaiah?" She pats his butt.
"Yep!" He turns to her.
They laugh and Jessica says, "My little football player!" She smiles and crinkles her nose.
"Num nums!" He stands up and bounces up and down on the bed.
"Oh my goodness, you and your num nums!"
Isaiah starts to fuss and lifts up the bottom of her shirt.
"Stop your whining!" She says in a cute voice.
"Ah! Hungry!" He cries.
"I swear this kid, if I don't whip it out as soon as he's ready, then he's mad!"
Sarah laughs and Jessica starts feeding him.
"Oh, I almost forgot! I felt the baby move today!" She smiles.
"You did?! Thats awesome!"
"I know! It made everything feel so real. Even after ultrasounds and hearing hearts, when you feel your baby move for the first time.. It just puts your mind at ease. This is your first pregnancy, so it may take a little longer for you to feel them kicking, especially since you're so little. But when you do.. Oh Sarah, it's the greatest feeling!" She smiles.
"Aw! I can't wait!"

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