Welcome home, Huston's!

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The next day...

"This is the last day The Huston's are in Houston!"
"Yep!" Jessica chuckles.
"I think we should go to that barbecue place we went to a little after you had Gabby, what's it called?"
"Rudy's!" She says with a huge smile on her face.
"That's right! My babydoll loves that place! I remember when you were pregnant, you ate about a gallon of that cream corn they have!"
"Yeah that sounds about right!" She laughs.
"It's just so good!" She smiles.


"Like mother like daughter!" Danny says as Jessica and Gabriella both eat the cream corn like there's no tomorrow.
"She has good taste!" Jessica laughs.
"Its gonna make your milk even sweeter, so I'm sure this kids gonna love it!" He points to Isaiah.
"Yeah! You're gonna love it, Zay-Zay!" She pinches his cheek.
"You need to try some food though. Here, try some potato salad." She says putting a little in his mouth.
Isaiah looks around confused then moves his mouth like he's trying to take it all in.
"He's like, What the fuck is in my mouth!" Danny says.
"I know!" She laughs.
"Mmmmm!" He moans as his eyes light up.
"Oh he likes it! Finally something other than my breasts!" She smiles and sticks more in his mouth.
"He's growing up babe!" Danny smiles.
"Awe! He is!" Jessica pouts.


The next morning they head back to New Orleans.
"Mommy where we going?"
"We're going back home, baby." She smiles.
"Yay! Lola! Uncle George! Aunt Sarah! Uncle Evan!" She yells.
"There's just so many people you want to see, isn't there?!" Jessica giggles.
"Yeah!" Gabriella lifts her hands.


A couple hours pass and the trip is going pretty smooth, until Isaiah starts screaming and crying, bloody murder.
"Oh Zaya, what's wrong?" She asks.
"Make him stop mommy, make him stop!"" Gabriella covers her ears.
"Danny pull cover so I can get in the back." She taps his arm.

When Jessica gets back there she tries to feed him but he doesn't want it.
"What's wrong, my baby?" She rubs his face.
She looks in his mouth and sees the buds of new teeth.
"Awe my poor baby's teething."
"Danny can you pull over and get me his teether from the back, please?"
"Yeah, hold on."

Danny gets it out and hands it to her, then continues driving.

She tries and tries but nothing will make him stop.

"Mommy I can't take this anymore!" Gabriella whines as she holds her head.
"So dramatic, Gabby!" She laughs.
Danny sees her through the rearview mirror and says, "Oh my gosh, you look just like your mother!" He laughs.
"We're just so dramatic!" Jessica laughs.


After the longest five hour drive of their entire life, they finally get home.
"We're home!" Danny turns around and sees all three of them asleep.
"Hah! I guess I have three babies to carry into the house now!" He says to himself.

He opens the door then brings Isaiah in first, then Gabriella.
He goes back to the van and looks at Jessica asleep with her head leaned back on the seat.
He smiles to himself and unbuckles her, then gently takes her out.

She was in such a deep sleep that she slept through him taking her up the stairs and into their room.
He brought the kids up and tucked them in next to her then went back outside and unloaded the van.

They slept for the next two hours and Iaiah was the first to wake up.
Danny didn't want to wake Jessica to feed him, so he gave him formula.
"You're not liking this, are you?" He asks him.
"Alright, let's see what else we have here." He goes to the pantry and takes out some baby food.
"How about some squash, hmm?" He smiles.
He sits him in his highchair and feeds him.
"Is it good? You seem like you like it." Danny says before he tries some.
"Oh my god!" Danny makes a face.
"What the hell am I feeding you?!" He says as Isaiah laughs at him.
"Is that funny, Isaiah? Huh? Is it funny that daddy just stuck shit in his mouth?!" He laughs.

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