Look what I colored!

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After Jessica got sick she brushed her teeth and laid back in her bed.
"But seriously, are you okay?" Danny asks.
"I'm fine, now would you please get out?!" She throw her pillow at him.
"Do you want breakfast?"
"You sure?"
"Unless you want me to throw up on you, I'd suggest you'd get the fuck out, right now!"
"Alright, I'm going!" He lifts his hands.

A few minutes later, Isaiah starts crying and Jessica says, "Danny come get your kid!" in a sleepy voice.

Danny takes him out of his crib and says, "Lets get you out of here, Isaiah!  You don't wanna get sick like your mommy and sissy!" He kisses him.

Jessica and Gabriella stayed in bed all day.
Danny made them food but neither one could keep anything down.
"Both of you need to go to the doctor if this doesn't clear up by tomorrow." Danny tells Jessica.
"I know.."
"Are you sure you' re not pregnant, Jessica?"
"Oh my God, Danny!  I'm sure!  Gabby's throwing up, do you think she's pregnant too?!"
"I not having a baby!" Gabriella lifts her finger.
"You're not?" She laughs.
"No!  No babies in my tummy!" Gabriella lifts her shirt and pokes her stomach, "See!"
"Oh, I see!" She smiles then tickles her stomach.
"Ahh!  Mommy, no!" She laughs.
Jessica laughs then says, "Anyway!  No, I am not pregnant." She looks at Danny.
"Mommy I want a sister!" Gabriella lays on her.
"Not today, baby." She pats her head.
"But why can't you get a baby sister in your tummy?" She puts her hand on her stomach.
"Because I just gave you a brother."
"But not a sister!" She looks up at her with big eyes.
"You see what you've started?  Thank you, Danny."


A week later.

Everyone is feeling better and today is Isaiah's first Easter!

"Happy Easter, Isaiah!" Jessica picks him up and kisses him.
"Are you ready to go to church?  You're gonna look so cute in your little outfit!  Yes you are!" She giggles.
Danny makes breakfast as Jessica starts on baths.
"Gabby, wake up sweetie, it's Easter!" She wakes her up.
"Mommy!" She smiles.
"Hi baby!  Happy Easter!"
"Happy Easter, mommy!"

Jessica bathes them, does their hair and gets them dressed, all before Danny finishes breakfast.
"Wow, you're fast!"
"I'm gettin' good!" She smiles.

Danny fed Gabriella so that she wouldn't get herself dirty.

After breakfast Jessica got ready then came downstairs in a blue dress.
"You look beautiful, babydoll." Danny smiles then kisses her lips.
"Well thank you, Mr. Huston."
"Mmm.. My pleasure, Ms. Lange." He smiles.

After Mass then head back home.

"Are you two ready?!  I think the Easter bunny came!" Jessica smiles.
"Yay!  Yay!  Yay!" Gabriella jumps up and down.

They walk in and Gabriella runs to her Easter basket.
"Look what I got, mommy!" She shows her.
"That's awesome!" Jessica smiles.
"Isaiah, you have an Easter basket too!" Danny smiles.
"That's right!" Jessica smiles then sits him down so he can see his toys.
He giggles then sticks things in his mouth, "No not in the mouth!" She takes it out.
He looks at her and sticks it back in his mouth.
"No that's yucky!" She tells him and takes it out.
His lips start to quiver and his eyes water.
"Oh no, not again!" Gabriella covers her ears.
"WAAAAH!" He cries.
"Zaya, you're okay!  Don't cry, baby!" She picks him up, rocks him and pats his back.
"I wish he'd stop doing that!" Gabriella makes a face.
"Gabby!" Jessica chuckles.


An hour later George arrives.
"Uncle George!" Gabriella screams as she runs over to him.
"Hey little one!  How was your trip?" He picks her up and kisses her cheek.
"It was fun!"
"Well good!  I missed you.  Did you miss me?"
"Yes!  I missed you this big!" She opens her arms.
"You missed me that big?!" He laughs.
"I missed you as big as the world!"
"Whoa!  That's a big miss!" She covers her mouth and laughs.
"Yes, it is a big miss!" He chuckles.

He sits on the couch and plays with Isaiah as Danny and Jessica get ready for their guests to arrive.
"Uncle George, look what I colored!  It's a picture of mommy and daddy wrestling!"
"Oh let me see!  A picture of mommy and da... What?  Wrestling?" His eyes widen.
"Yeah!  That's what mommy said they were doing in Houston!"
George bites his lips but his laughter jumps out of him.
"This is very good Gabby." He tries to stay calm.
"Lets go show our mommy and daddy and tell them what the picture is about!"

He walks into the kitchen holding Isaiah as he says, "Hey you guys!  Why don't you take a little break and come look at what an amazing little artist you have here." He says with a small smile.
"Oh did you draw something Gabby?" Jessica smiles and takes the picture from her.
"Yes!  It's you and daddy!"
Jessica and Danny smile until they realize what she was talking about.
"Oh my God!" Jessica covers her mouth.
Danny gasps then says, "But for her age she has such good drawings and an amazing memory!  I mean that was over a week ago!" He says as Jessica gives him a look.
"Isn't that terrific?!  She said it was her mommy and daddy wrestling!  That's what her mommy told her they were doing, at least." George smiles.
"Oh my gosh..." Jessica stares at the picture.
"Aren't you gonna tell her how well she did?" George asks.
"Huh?  Oh yeah!  Gabriella you did you great!  It is so beautiful.. but why don't we draw some cows.. or the moon?  Remember how mommy's tattoo is?  You said you liked it!"
"I just love your parenting skills, Jessica.  Don't draw a picture of your father and I having sex, draw that thing that's on my ass!" George says.
"... It's on my hip." She says looking deep into his eyes.
"Oh right!  I forgot you like saying that!" He rolls his eyes.

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