I wanna go home

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The next morning Sarah brought the kids to the hospital so Jessica could see them.

"Awe Jess!" Sarah says as she walks into the room with a pout.
Jessica mimics her face and says Hi.
"Mommy!" Gabriella yells as she walks into Jessica's room.
"Hello beautiful!" She smiles.
"Oh and there's my little guy!" She reaches for him.
"Jess baby you can't hold him right now. You might hurt yourself."
"Aw! Well put him by me." She moves her blanket.
"There's my big boy!" She says in a cute voice when Sarah sits him beside her.
"Oh I wish I could hold both of them!" She pouts.
"I'd put Gabby up there with you but I'm afraid she might be too rough and I don't want her hurting you."
"Oh Danny, I'm fine!"
"Well I'd rather be safe than sorry. Gabby come to daddy." He calls her.
After Danny picks her up, she asks, "Mommy what you doing here?"
Jessica chuckles and says, "Mommy wasn't feeling well so she has to stay here a little while."
"What they do?"
"Well there was this little thing in mommy's tummy so they had to go in and take it out."
"Like Isaiah?"
Jessica laughs and says, "No not like when Isaiah was in there. Let's talk about something else! What are you and your aunt Sarah doing today?"
"We going shopping!" She smiles.
"Ooh shopping!" Jessica smiles.
"Yeah, auntie Sarah's taking her on a shopping spree!" Sarah says.
"Awe Sarah, you don't have to get her anything."
"I want to! Both of my kids!" She says as she smiles at Isaiah.
"Jessica look at his lips!" Sarah laughs.
"He may have Danny's hair and eyes, but that nose and those lips are yours!"
"Awe my baby!" Jessica smiles.
"You have cute lips, baby boy!" She rubs her finger on them.
"Oh baby drool!" She laughs and looks at her finger.
"Ew!" Gabriella yells making them laugh.


Sarah went shopping with Gabriella and Isaiah stayed with Danny and Jessica.

"Danny I wanna go home." She looks at him as he holds Isaiah in the chair by her bed.
"I know baby."
"So let's go."
Danny laughs and says, "Jessica we can't leave."
She puckers her lips and rolls her eyes.
"That's it! That's the look!" He smiles.
"What look?"
"The look you just made. The look I fell in love with."
She smirks and says, "Oh Danny... You're just trying to get me to shut up, aren't you?"
"No!" He laughs. "I mean it, babe."
"Well thank you." She sighs.
"But I still wanna go home."
"Jessica Lange." He looks at her.
"Go to sleep."
"Am I bothering you?" She chuckles.
"A little bit."
"Well good!" She smiles.
"I hate hospitals! That's why I've never had any kids in one!"
"I know baby, but just be patient. Why don't you go to bed and rest your mouth." He says with a smile.
She crosses her arms and puckers her lips.
"Oh she's mad." He tells Isaiah.
"Yep! Look son, I'm gonna give you a lesson on women.. Or your mom!" He laughs.
"When your mom's lips go out like that, that means I've pissed her off. When her little nostrils flair like that, that means I've REALLY pissed her off. And when she crosses her arms and gives me the silent treatment, I might as well talk to a brick wall because she's not listening."
"Danny you're so immature!" She makes a face at him.
"Shh.. Go to sleep." He whispers and closes his eyes.
She rolls her eyes at him and says, "Why don't you go walk the baby outside?  Or leave the baby and you just go?"
"Someone's cranky tonight!"
"Dammit Danny!  Shut up!" She gets irritated.

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