~Daisies and Tears~

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War Zone chapter 4
Daisies and Tears
(Not an episode)

Abigail - 4 years old

"Mommy! Mommy! Wook it's a wadybug." I yelled as I ran towards my mommy.

She had a big smile on her face as she picked me up. I showed her my finger with the ladybug on it.

"Its beautiful sweetie." My mommy said as she took the ladybug from my finger and let it fly away.

"Why'd you do that?" I pouted.

"Because it had to go." She said as she set me down.

"But why?" I asked.

"Don't you think it's mommy and daddy would miss it if you kept it here." She said as she leaned down so she was at my eye level.

"Oh, I didn't think bout that." I said.

"Come on. Mommy made some sandwiches for lunch." Mommy said as she stood up and took one of my tiny hands in her own.

As my mommy walked I watched her blonde curly hair bounce as she walked, her bright green eyes full of life and her pink lips always in a smile.

"Makaywa mommy made sandwiches for wunch!" I yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" She yelled.

Makayla came running down the stairs, her blonde hair bouncing as she ran.

I grabbed her hand as she was at the last step and pulled her to the kitchen. I sat at the table and Makayla took the seat next to me.

"When's daddy gonna be home?" I ask as I take a bite of my sandwich.

"He just called and said he will be home by 7." Mom said as she poured me a glass of water.

I leaned over to Makayla and whispered. "After wunch want to go get mommy some daisies from the garden to show how much we wove her?"

"Sure." Makayla shrugged.

After we finished eating I jumped out of my seat and waited for Makayla.

"You go ahead, Abby. I'm gonna help mom with the dishes." Makayla said.

I bobbed my head up and down before running towards the back door.

I ran to the garden and sat down. I looked through the bright pink daisies trying to find the best ones for my mommy. I picked the brightest ones and put them into a big bundle. I ran across the garden until I reached the purple daisies. I picked up a few and was about to get white ones before someone screamed.

"Mom! Mom what wrong! Someone help!"

I ran across the yard and into the door.

Mommy was on the floor and she wasn't moving. Makayla was next to her on her knees freaking out.

I dropped the daisies on the floor before running to mommy.


Abigail - 8 years old

"Is mom gonna be okay?" I ask my dad as I sit outside of the hospital room.

"Abby, it's not looking to good this time." Dad said as he sat on the chair next to mine.

"But mom always gets better. She gets sick and then she fights it. She's gonna be okay." I said, mostly trying to convince myself.

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