Chapter 10- Lost Hope

Start from the beginning

She instantly wrapped her arms around me, wailing. I have never heard her cry like this before and it felt like a blade going straight through the chest. Although her speech was almost blurred, she said, "He died thinking I betrayed him...I never got to tell him I loved him...Reokyu...he's gone..."

Coraline hugged me tighter and wailed louder. By now, everyone left was standing outside of her door, including Kyojuro. The pain in their faces was real. Even Kyojuro's. I couldn't help but feel that agony she was feeling. Everyone else gave us privacy. I was going to stay as long as she needed me to. 

I was there for about two hours, listening to her cry and trying to soothe her. I left, noticing it was almost dawn. I've had no sleep in hours but it wasn't bothering me. There was more on my mind. I walked into my room and looked straight into the camera. "Monokuma, I need to have a word with you now!"

Not even a second later, he appeared behind me with that stupid grin on his face. Kyojuro wasn't with him, he hasn't been showing up as much lately at all. "Pupu? You look rather angered Shane. Are you tired? You should probably take a nap."

I ignored his immature comments. "Monokuma, why did you keep Coraline from the trial? Why would you make an imitation of her and use it against him? That was low, even for you." 

He tilted his head. "He ruined my Christmas party. I thought that was good payback. Huh, you don't think so...puuu"

I was getting irritated. "Tell me the real reason Monokuma! I'm done holding back my anger! I want answers!"

Monokuma grew angry. His claws were out and the white part of his face was red. "I did it for the despair! That's what I do all of this for. The moment I knew he had murdered that weird kid, I put my plan in place. She would have ruined it with her whole "love" bullshit. I wasn't going to have my execution fail because of the hope she would have given him. He committed the crime, he deserved the punishment. Pupupu, or did you want to die? Reokyu thought he saw a dark aura around Seh. Hahaha! That boy was more innocent than any of you! There was something specific in his room that made Reokyu see what he saw. Well, I've answered all your questions and you look like you need a shower. You reek! I shouldn't be able to smell but I smell you!" 

Like that, he left, insulting me as usual. He did leave a question in my mind. What was in Seh's room that made Reokyu believe I was in danger? I want to investigate his room, but Monokuma was right. I need to take a shower. There was dried blood on my skin and in my hair from Seh. Why am I always covered in blood? 

After my two hour shower, I laid down in my bed, looking at the ceiling. There is only six of us left. Six...There are so few of us left and I care so much about these people....

My eyes started to flicker. I needed to rest. As I started to fade into sleep, there was one thing on my mind...How far is Monokuma going to go before he stops...

I woke up several hours later. I had slept all the way to four in the afternoon. I got up, groggy and hungry. I really wanted to check Seh's room so I walked out of my place and walked towards his, meeting up with Bee. "Hey Shane, where are you going?" 

I rubbed my forehead. I had a wicked headache but I really tried to ignore it. "I'm going to Seh's room. There is something that I need to see for myself."

She gave me a slight smile, putting her arm around me. "I am going with you. It's not like we've hung out in awhile anyways." 

I smiled, but it was brief. All that was running through my mind was what I was going to find. I walked up to the door and thankfully it was unlocked. The smell of incense was still strong though none were burning. Something had already caught my attention. There were papers scattered all over the floor, a shelf was knocked over, stuff was just everywhere. On his bed were some dolls and a journal. Bee walked over and grabbed a doll, I followed shortly after noticing the one that looked like Shannon on the floor. "Shane, I know which one this looks like..." 

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