Christian & Gavin.

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"You spend awfully a lot of time at the Gavin boys place." Christian's mom said watching packing his bag.

"Mom, He's my bo-est friend." Christian sighed zipping his bag closed, throwing it up on his shoulder.

"You've just been missing so much church, A young girl at church keeps asking about were you went." His mom giggled pulling a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.

"Mom, I'm just gonna stay the night, we're gonna play video games, Eat a lot of pasta, then go paint balling with the team." Christian sighed pulling his snapback onto his head.

Christian climbed into his car, he waved good bye to his mom as he drove off.


Gavin pulled at Christian's hair.

"Stop, that's my slice." Gavin cried as as Christian reached for the last slice in the box.

"No, you ate the last wing, so i get the last slice."

"Well...I bought the pizza."

"No You didn't, you used my money and picked up the pizza while I was forced to play barbies with your little sister."

"Oh yeah, well.....I call it."

"fuck you."

"anytime babe"

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