03 | Moving

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Hope you like it! Sorry for any mistakes, I'm writing on my laptop.

since my ipad is being mean to me.

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AFTER THE WHOLE DRAMA I decided to do some research on 'Nicholas' I didn't really know who he was, which was pretty dumb considering I made a deal to marry him. Of course I didn't tell Kacy about the deal- I'm just partially scared of how she was going to react.

As little girls we wanted to have the perfect best friend wedding and dream fiances that we would love to death and have a double wedding on the same day. But that's now going to change since I'm not marrying someone I love in fact he's a stranger.

Clicking on the first website that popped up I read on, Nicholas Black is a multi-billionaire who owns Black Corps. He own tons and tons of hotels around the world. blah blah blah, Nicholas has never been married and has been known as 'Mr Playboy' well that's great to know.

I didn't know exactly what I was getting myself into now knowing of Nicholas history, the last thing I want is a obsessive ex-girlfriend finding out about the deal and using it against me.

I'm not going to lie- Nicholas is very appealing to the eye but his personality tells me otherwise, but parts of me wants to go through with the deal and see where I end up and the other half doesn't want to look like a gold digger.

Closing my laptop I was about to walk into the kitchen when the doorbell rang snapping me out of reveries. Opening the front door I came face to face with a man in a black suit and slicked back gray hair.

"Ms. Hunt?" The man said. I shuffled awkwardly at the door nodding my head slyly. "I'm Oswald— Mister Blackwood's helper. He sent me to tell you that you'll be moving right away and no questions asked."

I rose an eyebrow at the statement with my arms crossed and lips pursed in annoyance.

"I—" Oswald interrupts me.

"No questions asked, get your stuff packed." I did not like 'Oswald' at this moment, especially since he cut me off. I always hated when someone cut me off.


"No buts."

I glared at him before slamming the door in his face and grunting back to my room to pack up my stuff, my dad was out supposedly buying groceries for the house and I was glad for that knowing he wouldn't let me leave.

About thirty minutes later I was done packing and cleaning up my room as I was sweeping the floor of dust from my books I stumbled across a picture stuffed behind heaps of shoes at my bedroom door.

Picking it up I examined the rusty frame around it with a cracked glass coming diagonal of the frame. The now gold frame was turing bronze and the picture was crumpled with tears on the edge.

Looking closely it's a picture of me with my dad and—

My mom.

The sight made my eyes watery as I gazed down at my mother angelic face and light blonde hair pulled up in a bun. The setting was in a garden, my mom was on the floor kneeling down with her garden gloves on as she was planting a flower with me right beside her smiling happily with my blonde hair in pigtails and looking directly at her.

My dad was right beside me with a full blown grin on his face as he looked at us with a look if never thought I would see my dad with— he looked happy. Now compared to the grumpy abusive person I call my father.

I looked no other than six in the photo a few years before—

I dismissed the thought quickly before taking out the photo of the frame and sticking it in one of the box, grabbing the boxes one by one out the door Oswald helps me and putting the in the trunk.

The ride quiet mainly because I was gawking at how huge each house was as we pasted them. I certainly was not in this part of town, soon the car comes to a halt.

I quickly rush out the car just as Oswald was going to open it for me, I blinked twice looking at Nicholas ho– palace. Oswald chuckles under his breath before opening the door for me and I sprint inside.

Everything was expensive, yet white.

The walls were white so where the floors and so was some of the furniture it was dull (probably he wanted it to match his personality) I frowned. I always liked vibrant colors to make a room 'pop'

"Mister Blackwood should be home this evening- pick any room you want to and unpack. Oh and before I forget- congratulations." He smiles, my face almost falters then I regain my composure with a small smile and a nod.

Oswald eyes looms on my hand as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but he doesn't say anything, I automatically hid my hand behind my back smiling.

"Bye- thank you." And he leaves.

Taking a deep sigh running a hand through my hand as I tried to lift the boxes into a room, down the hallway they were five open bedrooms and one but that one was closed I initially knew that one was Nicholas.

I picked the one across from his room it was a fairly big size with white walls and a white bed in the middle and nothing else in sight. Walking into the room I unpacked everything changing all the bed sheets from white to my own that had actual color.

I finished at about an hour then I decided to look around the house it was really really big. Heading up the stairs on the first was a game room and the other left was a movie theater. Funny thing- everything looked untouched.

Looking into a few more room I see a study room and a bookshelf in one of the empty rooms and a bunch of bathrooms. As I was about to go to the kitchen the study room caught my attention.

They were picture frames of people I peered in the room with my teeth digging on my lips, don't be nosey Jessica. I warned myself but shrugged it off.

Picking up one of the frames I see Nicholas and his dad this photo looked old too since he was missing a tooth and his black hair was covering his forehead, he had a ball in a mitten as he smiled at the camera.

"What the fuck are you doing in here." A voice booms, then the frame drops out of my hand.

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