02 | Nicholas

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I found this chapter some what funny, but that's just me.
Also sorry this chapter took forever! Just to distract myself from not going crazy I went and started to workout (shocker I know)

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THE NEXT DAY I was bored as ever since I didn't work and I already cleaned like the whole house, there was nothing for me to do. Yawning I flicked through channels on the tv with my head rested on a pillow that I brought out of my room.

My phone vibrated beside me looking at the text it's from my best friend Kacy.

Hey Jess want to go out tonight?

Yeah sure, what time.

Around six where going to have fun tonight!

I groaned knowing she's going to drag me to another club. It wouldn't be bad to go out and enjoy myself but I hate the fact that there's tons of guys there that can't seem to keep it in their pants.

I checked the time seeing it was only four so I had about two hours which should be good for me to get ready since I'm a slow person.

Taking a shower I change into a crop top with a long floral skirt that had a split in the middle I finished the look with some sandals, I just brushed my hair down and did some eyeliner for my makeup.


I heard a car honk which signaled Kacy was here, picking up my house keys I walked out front. Kacy had her hand hanging out the window and motioned her head to the passenger.

"Get in loser," She smirks.

"Ha-ha very funny." I deadpanned back, sliding in I glare at Kacy while she looks at me innocently. "Your such a child," Kacy scoff.

"Am not." She sticks her tongue out at me, "My point proven."

We pull up to a club downtown that was jam packed with people- you could actually hear the music from inside from the outside, guess I can say goodbye to my eardrums. Kacy walks up to the security guard whispering him something and he nods his head letting us in.

"What did you tell him?" I ask, Kacy smirks. "Ew! Kacy!" She laughs, "I'm joking! I told him he owes me for making me help him out!" I still give her a unconvinced look but I drop it.

We go to the bar that was lined up by the wall on the side with lots of people taking shots or belly shots, "I'll take water." I say while Kacy gets a whiskey, I hope she doesn't plan to drink a lot I didn't come here to be her sober driver.

"Come on let's dance!" She yells over the music, "No I'm fine- I don't like dancing in public."

"Your a dance teacher! You basically dance in front of people."

"Only my class not a full audience!"

"No one is watching." Kacy rolls her eyes, I knew she was right at the same time but I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me.

I let out a huff as she squeals. I didn't even know how to dance 'club like' she I stood there awkwardly stiff as Kacy well- was being Kacy. After a little bit of me awkwardly dancing I decided to go to the bathroom.

Coming out the bathroom I stood by the wall looking if I saw Kacy, she was gone. Probably found some guy.

Well now I'm a loner.

Taking out my phone I started to play a game, "Your seriously playing a game?" A husky voice said that made me jump.

The same guy from yesterday.

"That's what loner's do- pretend to text some or play a game to not look like a loner even though you are." The guy chuckles under his breath.

"I'm Jessica by the way the girl who you were being a dick to yesterday," the guy peers at my face a little longer before shock etched on his face.

"Nicholas- you should be looking where your going more often." I scoff, "That doesn't give you the right to be a dick about it."

"I'm not even going to argue about it that's not why I came over her anyway."

"Why are you over here?"

"I have a deal," He says.

"I'm sorry I don't agree to deals." I say wanting to get away from him.

"You haven't even heard what I have to say." Nicholas growls, "That's the point I don't want to hear about it."

"I don't care whether you want to hear it or not I'm going to say it anyway." He pauses then continues. "I know about your financial issues- but I can change that. Marry me for a year and a half in return I pay you a million dollars."

He says million dollars as if even if he gives me the money he'll still have more. "I don't want your money." I deadpanned. Nicholas rose his eyebrow.

"So you'd rather to work your ass off than take the million dollars someone is giving you to enjoy life?!"

I considered his words for a few minutes before saying the one word that will change my life for better or for worse?


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