Chapter 37

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{Jacey's P.O.V}

I invited Christian to come over for dinner tonight and I'm so excited for him to meet my siblings.

Christian💘- Jaceeeyyyy I'm nervous for toniiiiiiiight

-Christiiiiiiaaaaan it'll be fine don't worry

Christian has been hesitant about it since I mentioned it. I'm not really sure why, since I've reassured him multiple times that there's nothing to be worried about.

I guess I understand that it's probably nerve racking to meet your girlfriend's older brother, but Jack isn't overprotective, he's really laid back.

I was sitting in the living room before getting ready, when I got a text from Bailee.

Bailee😒- Hey I had a really great time the other day we should all definitely hang out together again soon.😜

-yeah that would be fun

Even though I didn't have a bad time, I would rather not spend more time out of school with Bailee than I already do in school.

After sending the text to her I decided it was time to go upstairs and get ready. For my outfit I kept it simple, but nice. I put on dark wash jeans, a loose fitting white top, and a gray cardigan. 

For my makeup I decided to keep it simple with mascara and concealer where I needed it

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For my makeup I decided to keep it simple with mascara and concealer where I needed it.

By the time I was done, it was around 5:00. I headed back downstairs to wait in the living room for whenever Christian would get here.

I was watching some cartoon on tv when June came and sat down next to me. "Hey Jacey I wanted to talk to you really quick."

"Okay, what is it?"

"So I've never met this boy, and I'm not going to make any false assumptions, but I seriously want you to be smart. This is a really delicate time for you and I hate that I'm not here for you, especially when you need me."

"Thanks June. But I am being smart, I know Christian and he's really sweet you'll see."

"I know but just be careful, boys are weird. He could seem okay the first few months but he'll change. Trust me."

"June I do and I get what you're saying but he's fine. I know you're looking out for me but I do know what I'm doing. Thanks."

Just then the doorbell rang, and I got up to get it. Opening the door to let Christian in, he gave me a tight hug and stepped in.

"Christian, hey!!!" my mom exclaimed, coming down the stairs.

"Hellooo Mrs. Billings how are you?" he asked politely.

"I'm doing great, you?"

"I am marvelous, thank you."

Jack and Amy came up from downstairs to introduce themselves.

"Hey, I'm Jack, Jacey's older brother, and this is my wife, Amy." Jack said as they shook hands.

"I'm Christian."

Soon after, June came by and did the same. I could tell she seemed iffy about him, but she's just being the annoying older sister. Shortly, my dad finally made his way downstairs and he and Christian said their hellos.

"Okay! Since it's only 5:00, why don't you all hang out or whatever while I finish making dinner; it should be done around 6:00. Is that good with everyone?" my mom asked.

There was a chorus is different yeses, and then we all headed to the living  room, leaving my mom and dad.

Christian and I sat on the love seat, Jack and Amy on the couch, and June in the separate chair.

"So, Christian, how old are you?" June asked. Christian looked slightly confused and I shot her a look.

"I'm 15... Like Jacey." He said awkwardly.

"Okay... Do you drink? Smoke?" June retorted.

"What the fuck, June?" said Jack, "Could you knock it off? He's just a kid and maybe you could get to know him better if you weren't being so damn invasive."

I heard a gasp from the kitchen.

"Jack Billings would you like to repeat that to me?" it was my mom.

"Mom come on I'm a grown man it was just pesky sibling talk let it go."

By now my mom was arguing with Jack from across the rooms, June sat on her phone looking the most annoyed I've ever seen her, and Amy tried to make some real conversation with Christian and I. What a disaster.


Dinner was quiet. So much for Christian getting to meet my siblings and have a good time. I know there will be other opportunities, but this was the first.

All throughout dinner June sat there on her phone, no matter how many times my mom told her to get off of it. I don't know why she was in such a bad mood, considering she was fine until SHE decided to talk to ME.

And I'm not dumb, I know that she's older and has much more experience, but not every boy is the same.

Now it was Christian, Jack, Amy, and I playing wii downstairs. June said she had to go to the store or something, honestly she's probably on her period.

I'm actually kind of surprised at how easy it is for Christian to get along with everyone. Not that it's a big deal, he doesn't have to be best friends with my family.

At around 8:00 Christian left (hehehe) and headed home. Since we didn't have any alone time, I made a mental note to call him later and apologize profusely.

I went ahead and got in my pajamas - I can only take skinny jeans for so long.

By 9:00 I decided to head up to my room and get settled in for the night. I told my family goodnight and started up the stairs. About half way up I heard the front door open and close and I peeked to see June was finally home.

I was really mad at her so I continued walking.

"June, what's wrong?" I head my mom say.

I stayed still in my spot and kept listening. I couldn't really make out any words, but I could hear June bawling. I stepped down a few more stairs to get a better listen and finally I heard,

"June just tell us what's wrong so we can help you."

"I'm pregnant."

All hell broke loose.

yippee!! I'm updating!! um don't worry bout that^^ it's not gonna change the whole story it's kind of a little detail you'll see I'm not gonna ruin the story and remember that's JUNE pregnant NOOOT Jacey!! thanks for reading :DDDD

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