Chapter 9-

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{Jacey's P.O.V}

Thankfully, it was the last day of school before the weekend.

I was in English, when announcements came over the intercom.

A woman's monotone, gloomy voice coming from the speaker spoke;

"Good afternoon staff and students, as you all know homecoming week is next week. Which means spirit week, and of course the dance,"

The class hardly listening until she spoke again

"And with the dance comes your homecoming king and queen nominees"

Several girls raising up, listening closely.

"If you hear your name, please come up to the front."

Thinking of going to a dance made me feel happy, and super excited but also uneasy.

Who am I going to go with?

What dress should I get?

"......Brooklyn Thacker, and Jacey Billings please come to the front, thank you."

Why was I being called up?

Ah, beats me.

I walked up to the front, examining the purple and yellow posters with our schools name plastered all over them.

I turned, seeing Sierra Kaplan running towards me, nearly knocking me over.

"Jacey! Jacey! You're on the freshman homecoming court candidate list!!"

No way..

Who nominated me?

Wow. I'm quite flattered.

And now, even more excited.

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