Chapter 31

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AN: Okay so the caption and the photo aren't supposed to be sexist like wife=kitchen so please don't think it's going with the stereotype and stuff okay good? good.

{Jacey's P.O.V}

I woke up pleased to be in Christian's embrace. I closed my eyes for a few more minutes waiting for him to wake up. I felt him stirring, followed by him mumbling "Good morning Jacey."

I realized this was the first time I've slept with Christian. (I mean SLEPT get your mind outta the gutter) Which means it's also the first time I've heard his morning voice. I could get used to this.

"Morning, Christian." I said smiling. We sat up and I started stretching my arms out and yawning. Christian saw it as an opportunity to tickle my stomach.

"Christian. Please. Stop." I said in between laughs.

"Say Harry Styles needs a haircut and I'll stop." He crossed the line.

"Christian NO." I yelled as I crawled away from him. "Honestly, who do you think you are? And who gave you the right? Leave." I said, trying to keep a serious face.

"Nooo baby I'm sorry. What could I do for you to forgive me?" He said with a pouty face.

"Say 'Jacey Billings I am so terribly sorry for shaming Harry Styles' hair and I will never do it again.'"

To my pleasure, he recited my apology. "Thank you." I said. "Now can we get some breakfast? I'm hungry."

Right as I said that we heard two little feet trotting downstairs. Christian's little sister, Libbey appeared. "Christian I want breakfast." she said.

"Where are mom and dad?" Christian asked.

Libbey is so adorable, I've met her a few times before. "Dad went out to breakfast with his friend and Mom just left to the grocery store and she said you can make me breakfast."

"Okay fine." Christian said as he started up the stairs.

When we got to the kitchen Christian grabbed three bowls from the cabinet but before he could even ask what cereal we wanted Libbey whined, "Not cereal again. I want pancakes."

"Libbey that's too much work please just choose a cereal."

"I can make pancakes if you guys have the stuff." I said. I really wouldn't mind, pancakes are actually something I'm good at making - even though they're simple.

"No it's fine you don't have to Jacey."

"But I want to. Just let me do it."

"Thank youuuu." Christian said, kissing me on the cheek. He proceeded to put back the bowls and get out the pancake mix for me, followed by a bowl, measuring cups, and a mixing spoon.

I mixed the mix and the water and turned on the stovetop. I grabbed a pan that was on the counter and went ahead and sprayed it while it heated up.

When I decided it was hot enough I started pouring batter and flipping the pancakes. I heard the camera shutter sound and I turned around to see Christian taking pictures of me.

"Why are you taking pictures of me?" I said, flipping a pancake.

"Because you're beautiful and you're my girlfriend." he said.

I saw my phone screen light up next to the stove with a notification that Christian had just posted on Instagram. I flipped the last pancake and turned of the stove before unlocking my phone.

He posted a picture of me with the caption 'Wifey👰'. I looked over at him to see him smiling and giggling to himself.

I locked my phone and got out three plates and piled pancakes onto each of them. Christian walked over to me and said, "Thank you, I can take care of the rest." and he gave me a quick kiss before pulling out three cups.

We all three decided on orange juice to go with our pancakes. While Christian was pouring out our orange juice, I snapped a quick picture.

I posted it on Instagram with the caption 'Hubby💏'. When Christian finished setting the table for all of us he went on his phone and saw my post. "Wow Jacey I really like your caption, where did your inspiration come from?" He said, in a joking tone.

"Oh that? Yeah I thought of it myself."

"We're goals." He said, laughing.

"Very true." I said, finishing up my breakfast.

All Because of Him. | Christian Akridge/Christian LeaveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt