"Oh ok, alright... so in this walk did you happen to see Sebastian in the football field? He's usually there at this hour", it was ridiculous how much he loves that sport.

"Umm, no he wasn't there", he turned to his bed and layer there staring at the ceiling.

"Oh ok thank you anyways", I turned to my drawer to get my clothes, I then walked back to the restroom to get dressed. I gotta admit I'm still sore from last night. I walked out fully dressed this time.

"Hey, you coming downstairs for breakfast?", I said while putting my sweater on. He didn't reply back, he was on his thinking position, I hated when he did this, it's annoying.

I exited the room and ran down the stairs, but carefully watched were I was going, I've got to stop getting lost in this school. Thankfully I didn't get lost this time and reached the cafeteria, I felt a vibration on my right pocket, my phone.

Where are you- SH

Cafeteria, why- JW

Whatever Sebastian tells you don't listen to him- SH

"John!!", someone familiar yelled my name, I looked up to see Greg, the captain of the football team. He jogged toward me.

"Hey mate, what's up?", I didn't pay attention to my phone anymore Sherlock is just talking nonsense.

"Nothing, hey you wanna eat with us", he point at a table of the football team, "We've gotta talk to you about something", he look very serious.

"Umm... yeah sure, what about?", hope I don't get kick off the team.

He walked me to the table full of my teammates, who looked at me very serious.

"Oh what's going on, why are you all looking at me like that?", I laughed

"Cause we care for you John", Carson said in his strong British accent.

"Ok, your all starting to scare me", I laughed again.

"We knew about you and Sebastian -", I quickly cut him off.

"So that's what this is about, you're all against my sexuality aren't you", anger filled my eyes.

"No, no, no, John this is not about your sexuality, it's about Sebastian", Christopher looked at me straight in the eye.

"What about him?", I looked around the table, twelve boys looked scared.

"Well you see Sebastian has a major temper problem that he cannot control. His last boyfriend Zack, was a nice boy and all", Greg began, "but after a while everyone started to see bruises on him, but the lad was in the rugby team so we ignore it. One day I was out in the field practicing when I hear people yelling, so I go take a look and I see he most horrifying thing," he paused, "Sebastian beating the crap out of him, Zack had two huge black eyes, he had four broken ribs, and he had a huge scar running down from his eye to his ear. They put him ten stitches, thankfully I got there in time it Sebastian would of killed him."

He paused. I took another look around the table, their eyes were all sad and regretful. He began to speak again.

"So you see John, we don't want to see you go through the same thing Zack did, so please break up with him before it's too late", he looked at me sympathetically.

"But if he beat him up that badly why didn't you say something to the headmaster"

"I wanted to say something believe me I did, but he begged me not to. He didn't say why, he just said but to say anything. So he lied to everyone, he said that he fell down the stairs and that I found him and then his parents transferred him. Since then we haven't heard from him", he looked at everyone and they all agreed with him.

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