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In a sudden rush,
Tortured thoughts
Overwhelmed her innocent

Waves of anxiety crashed
Over the shattered
stones of her soul.
A longing.
To be loved,
To be held,
To be wanted.
To mean something to someone.

And when for a moment
Things got better
And again she could
She would again
Be crushed.
Because the sunshine
Only lasts so long,
When darkness
Constantly finds its way
Back in.

She could hear the
Muffled voices of loved ones,
That seemed miles away.
And in their eyes,
She was fine.
Because they couldn't see the
Waves of tears that flood
From her eyes at night.
The cloud of sadness
That clasped around her
Ankle, and sat upon her chest,
Making it impossible to

But my god
She could feel it.
And it was as thought she was
Drowning, in an
One That existed solely in her

But she keeps going.
And maybe that's what
Made her so beautiful.
The way she continued on
When she no longer wanted
To fight.

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