The only problem is I was following our guide and wasn't paying much attention to where he was taking me. I made a promise to myself, from now on I will pay attention to every single detail if I make it out of this jungle alive. I decided to look around to give me some clue of which way to start walking.  I found the tree where I sat and decided to go  that way. I walked for about 15 mins and realised I am going in circle, so I stopped. Being watched feeling came back again, so I turned around to look.  I wish I hadn't. There was a huge , scary looking dog growling at me.  He  must be about 5 feet tall must have been high breed.  He was beautiful but really scary.  I know not to run from predators, so I calmly walked back ward.  As I took one step, it started growling louder, and stopped me in my track. I started looking for something to distract it. I bend down and picked up a stick, and threw as hard as I can. He ran after the stick, and why wouldn't he, after all he is a dog.  Decided to not waste any more time, I ran the other way.  After about 10 minutes I saw a house. I was just about to thank god for saving me, I heard growl behind me and from my side.  I wasn't going to turn and make it worse for me, so I ran as fast as I can and just reached the gate.  I started screaming as loud as I can to let people on other side of the gate know that I need help. A man came and open the gate for me (I didn't know what took him so long). He looked over my shoulder and growl back at the dogs, yes!!!! Dogs!!! 3 dogs were chasing me. As I was on the other side of the gate my bravery came back in full force and I growl at the dogs too.

Guy took me through the huge house in to the back garden. Few people were sitting there. It looked like some kind of meeting was taking place.  Everyone turned to me as I enter or exit the house in this case.  The guy who lead me here introduced every one.  Man in the centre was called Anthony , he looked around 60, but still in pretty good shape.  Come to think of it everyone here looked pretty amazingly fit. Second guy looked around same age and his name was Dominic.  Third guy looked around 40 and his name was Malcolm.  The guy brought me here didn't introduced himself, so I guess he isn't important enough, I called him Micky .  I explain to them what happen and if they could help me get back to my resort.  Everyone looked at me as if I grew fur. even I had to look down at my self to see if I have got something on me, ok I was bleeding from few scratches and my clothes were dirty, my face had some smudges . I wouldn't win any beauty contesting this attire , but I was being chased by 3 scary looking dogs, so I held my self higher by looking straight at them, saying what are you looking at? They were pretty scary looking bunch, Anthony started laughing as if I mad a joke,  Which just pissed me off, and his next words just left my mouth wide open.

"You are trespassing" he indulged "you are our prisoner and you are not going anywhere".

"What the hell are you taking about"? I shouted "your guy just let me in, I am not trespassing".

"He let you into the house, but you were already on our property when you came here. See dear this property runs for 100miles and half of that jungle you were in belongs to us".  My mind just went blank, I didn't know what to do, I just stood there like a statue.  It can't be real, real people don't keep trespasser in prison, they call police. I kept telling my brain to think, think, think of something to get us out of this situation.

"If I an trespassing, shouldn't you call local police?" One point for me

"We are the law here, and our words are the law here".

"Everyone's words are law in there own house, but on outside world normal people have to follow government law." I explain as he was a child.

"No I am the law!!!!! This whole city follows my order, even your little government" well until tonight he mumble. I didn't quite catch the last bit, but that's what it sounded like. It didn't look like I was getting anywhere with them, I decided to look around to see if I could spot any female, who can help me with this situation. But no such luck and my brain decided to shut down on me as well. Anthony looked at Micky  and asked him to take me inside.

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