Drugged and Found....

Start from the beginning

I stumbled out into the hall grabbing my coat and car keys. I made my way to the car but couldn’t press the button on the car to open it, why weren’t my fingers working? I shivered and felt a sob rise out of my throat. I leant my head against the car.

‘Excuse me? Are you ok?’ I heard a male voice behind me. My head jerked up as I wiped the tears away from my face.

‘Yes, yes I’m fine,’ I said dashing way the tears.

‘I recognise you, remember we talked briefly last night,’ He said coming closer towards me. It was the guy from last night the one I had so much trouble talking to. Brilliant.

‘Oh yeah, that was me.’ I said smiling weakly.

‘Are you ok?’ He asked again.

‘Yeah I’m fine,’ I said quickly ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I just came to pick up some supplies and talk to your Alpha about the rogue problem.’

‘Ah,’ I nodded as if I understood. ‘very good, very good,’ what are you an old man, why are you repeating everything twice!

‘Are you going to tell me why you were crying?’ He asked gently, taking a step forward. I hesitated, could I trust him? It didn’t seem like I had many other options.

‘I...I...’ I stuttered ‘Isaac dropped me off this morning and when I opened the door...’ I broke as a few tears escaped and ran down my cheeks. ‘I hand came over my face...I can’t remember anymore. I woke up on the couch with a terrible pain in my arm...I wanted to tell my parents but I cant punch in the number. I don’t know what to do!’ I said sobbing. ‘Get a hold of yourself Thea, this isn’t like you. Get it together! You don’t need his help,’ my brain screamed. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t even know your name.’ I said composing myself a little.

‘It’s Alexander,’ he said putting his arm around me and leading me gently back to the house ‘come one lets phone your parents and make you some tea.’

I let myself lean against him, grateful for his comforting presence.

‘What’s your parents’ number?’ he asked holing the phone. I told him whilst he punched in the number, then he left the room so I could talk with them in privacy. Whilst my parents might spend much time with me, they still were my parents and they cared about me. They were both alarmed when I told them about what had happened, they offered to come home, but I told them that they needed to stay and enjoy the conference. I would be fine, I added assertively.

Alexander came back into the living room with a steaming cup of tea. I took it gratefully, and sipped at it slowly.

‘What do you want to do now?’ Alexander asked.

‘I need to tell the authorities, I’ve been drugged and held hostage in my own home. They might have robbed us...or...violated me!.’ I said sobbing. Get it together seriously!

‘Shshshsh it’ll be alright,’ Alexander said rubbing my arms. ‘I’ll call the police ok?’

He picked up the telephone and left the room, I could hear him in the hall.

‘Hello, can you put me through to police please?...Yes I’d like report and emergency.....’

I breathed a sigh of relief all of this would be taken care of.


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