4. First Day And Anna

Start from the beginning

Raina pointed to the cute black haired boy from earlier, a dark brunette, a blonde girl, and another cute boy, but he had purple hair or maybe its raspberry. 

"Okay so the black haired boy is Seth Redfox, the brunette is Brandy Groh, Nova Dreyer is the pretty blonde, and the boy with the purple colored hair is Jarred." Raina finished all of them smiled, except the blonde one, I think Nova?

"Guys this awesome person is Nashi Heartfelt!" Raina said sweetly and pulled me into a side hug. I smiled, my fangs showing.

                                                              (Brandy Groh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

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                                                              (Brandy Groh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

                                                              (Brandy Groh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

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                                                       (Seth Redfox^^^^^^^^^^^)

                                                              (Jarred Fernandes^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

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                                                              (Jarred Fernandes^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

                                                                           (Nova Dreyer^^^^^^^^^^^^)

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                                                                           (Nova Dreyer^^^^^^^^^^^^)


A loud bell rung, and I threw my small hands over my ever-so-sensitive ears. Seth did the same thing and grunted a little bit. When the loud annoyance quieted, I giggled and pointed my pointer finger at Seth. He didn't look amused. He then rolled his eyes, a small blush covered his cheeks and he turned away from me. I giggled again.

"Okay listen class, I would like to get to know more about each and every one of you. And I'm sure all of you would like to meet your fellow students, so before we head down to the assembly I want each of you to stand when I point at you and say your name and two things about you or things you like doing."   

"Okay let's start!" Cheered our teacher, Mrs. Hanson. I like her, she's really nice.   

The first student was a boy with glasses and brown hair, he had blue eyes and his name was Maven Hun. He likes dinosaurs, boogers, and he lives in a tiny house. Then a girl with dark purple hair said her name and two things she liked, which were ponies and dresses. She also lives in a small house. After alot more students it was my turn, so I stood up and began to speak.  

"Hi , my name is Nashi Heartfelt. My full name is actually Natasha Lay or Flare Heartfelt, I like reading to Mommy and when Mommy reads to me, I like dragons alot, I have a pet fox, she's white and her name is Shai or 'Wind.' OH! and I love to play with Littlest Pet Shops too! And I live in a huge house." I finished with my signature fanged grin. 

A few students clapped, Maven had his finger in his nostril, so he didn't and neither did Nova. I wonder way she acts like that to me. It kind of hurts, honestly.

I also sat back down in my seat and Raina went next.


Raina said that class was almost over so I was impatiently waiting for school to be over, so I could play with Shai and ask Mommy how her day was! I was tapping my fingers on the desktop of the arts and Crafts table, since I had already finished my art. Raina had finished her's too. Mine was of a small pink dragon and a big yellow dragon holding the little ones hand. Mommy and me, I smiled at the thought and looked over at Raina's drawing, hers was of an ocean with a family of fish. Her Mommy, her brothers, and her...........dad. I wish I had a dad, but I don't dare ask Mommy about one, because I know it upsets her, but my biggest dream is for Mommy to find a Daddy and me, Mommy, and My Daddy would all be a happy family. If only that could happen, but it can't. 

I was still deeply thinking when a loud bell-like sounded, causing me to jump in fear and cover my sensitive ears. I growled and soon I realized that my new friends had all already said their goodbyes and were leaving with their Mommies and Daddies. I sighed and took a seat in the desk nearest to the door, waiting for Mommy. 

"Nashi are you ready to go?" Asked Mommy's voice. I smiled and rushed her with a death squeeze of a hug.

"Mommy schools so much fun and I made so many friends! I can't wait for you to meet them!" I shouted, over-joyed. 


"Okay Nashi its time for you to go to sleep now, I read you three stories." Mommy said in a sweet quiet voice. I grinned and nodded. I rolled onto my right side and cuddled Shai closer to my chest and closed my eyes. I felt Mommy kiss my forehead, soon after I heard the small pat/thump of Mommy leaving my bedroom, so that I could sleep.

"Goodnight My Little Dragon." She whispered as she left. I smiled more and shortly after I suddenly feel into a deep peaceful sleep, thinking about Mommy, Me, and a Daddy, along with Shai and Mommy's Adaline. 

Lucy POV:

I yawned as I brushed through my soft as silk, blonde hair. I smiled at myself and felt complete happiness and I felt accomplished. My daughter had her first day at school, made alot of friends her age, loved her teacher, and is slowly growing up. I sighed a tiny sadness clouded my happy thoughts when I thought of everything that Natsu is missing. If only he knew, I thought sadly to myself and walked out of my Master bathroom and into my master bedroom. I yawned and stretched, grabbed my book I was currently reading 'A Demon's Two Tails,' by AnnaWolfe2001. What a great book, I smiled as I shut off all of my bedroom lights, besides my nightstand with my click remote.

After four glorious hours of reading I was tired and ready for sleep. I shut of the rest of my lights and pet Addy's tiger striped ears, she twitched them in her sleep. I grinned and laid down in the most comfortable sleeping position. Soon enough sleep called to me and I escaped Reality and into The Land of Dreams.

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