Violence Is Always The Answer

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I popped my peppermint flavored gum as I sauntered over to the center of the circle. "Hey boys." I could feel the stares and hear the whispers but, forced myself to ignore them. As usual. "Well if it isn't red lips." I smirked at my childhood nickname and put my hands into the back pockets of my infamous black skinnys.

Even in my five inch stilettos the guys were all taller than me, and they were definitely a lot more muscular but, I wasn't scared. I never lose. I blew one last bubble and popped it before saying "Are we here to reminisce old times or are we here to do business?" The boys took in my appearance. If I must say so, I think I look pretty hot.

I was wearing Cornielle black Louboutins, a fitted black corset top and of course I was rocking my usual make-up that made my abnormally light blueish-green eyes pop. And we couldn't forget the red lipstick. That was my signature. After they took in my appearance, and my bigger boob size they nodded and said "Lets get down to business. Five grand down, winner takes all." All five of us put our money in and I could myself about to become twenty five grand richer.

I walked back to my car making sure to add a little extra sway to my hips. Gosh if they were this easy to distract it should be a piece of cake beating them on the course. I got into my trusty 1970 Dodge Charger and blew a kiss to my mom in heaven before asking God to bless this race. I may not be a saint but, that automatically doesn't comdemn me to hell. What can I say, I guess all those years of going to an all girls Catholic School rubbed off on me.

Everyone revved their engines and I smirked. Their cars were weak compared to Betsy. We've never lost a race and we weren't about to lose one now. I needed this money so bad. I could just taste it. A girl dressed in all white lace lingerie walked to the starting line.

"On your mark...get set.....GO!" As soon as I heard that two letter wors I sped off. I blocked out two of the racers already, making sure that they could never get past or beside me. I saw an orange gt coming my way and immediately made a sharp turn and quickly switched lanes causing him to drift into a rail. His car eventually flipped over and blocked the path of the two cars behind me. Three down three to go.

I started doing 120 and bombarded my way past the light blue sports car in second place. They kept trying to get in front of me but, I swerved in front of them everytime. I saw a construction site coming up and let the light blue car pass me. He flipped me the bird as he did. Oh, if only he knew.

I drifted towards the left and turned the corner as I saw the light blue car go up into flames in my rearview. I saw myself quickly gaining on the red mustang and I couldn't help but smile. I was about to beat Terrence, aka, The King of the Dirty South, at his own game. We were neck and neck and the finish line was about a half a mile ahead.

I saw him turn on his NO2 and shook my head in disappointment. Too soon bro, too soon. He thought he had it in the bad until I turned on my NO2 and he saw my license plate cross the finish line before he did. I got out of my car in victory and saw and angry Terrence stomp over to me. Here we go.

"You stupid bitch. I know you cheated. Give me back my five grand." "Sorry man rules are rules and you lost. If you cant handle losing to a girl, I suggest not racing against girls anymore." I patted his cheek before walking away. That is until he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I could tell his grip was going to leave a bruise.

No one touches in a threatening way anymore, not since I was young. I vowed to myself never again. "Let go." I nearly growled at him. He just tightened his grip and I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. I quickly turned my body abd punched my fist into the crease of his elbow as hard as I could. Then I took my palm and slanted it upwards while I thrust it full force towards his face.

His nose started to bleed and he started cursing me out in Spanish. Whatever. I grabbed the knife I kept in the waistband of my jeans and grabbed Terrence by his hair. I held his head back by his hair and pressed my knife to his throat. "So Terrence, tell me. When a woman tells you to let go are you going to be a pussy and a sore loser and try to pick on her ir are you going to let go?"

He said something but, it was totally incoherent. I loosened my knifes grip before saying "What's that sweetheart? I can't hear you." He growled and said "Rot in hell you fucking bitch. I swear to God I will hunt you down and kill everyone close to you. You messed with the wrong one." I shook my head and sighed. Then I leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered "No sweetheart you did." before I slit hit throat.

I kissed his other cheek, hopped in my charger and headed home. At least now you know why they call me red lips.

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