Your a MOM!!

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Pic of Aidan

Logan's POV

It was about 3 am and we are still trying to find out from Jerry who Riley is looking for.
"Tell us before I put in bullet in your head", I yelled slamming my fist into the table.
"I can't, she'll kill me", he pleaded. "You're more scared of her then you are of us", asked Ash surprised.
"Do you know who she is", he asked. "Of course we do she's our sister", said the twins Alex and Aaron.
"Not anymore she's Reaper. A cool blooded killer who will get what she wants, when she wants it. In this case she wants to find someone", he said. "Who is the person she's looking for", I pried.
"Why do you care, you broke up with her", he said.
"Shut up I love her", I yelled.
"Just give up Logan you won't like what you find at the end of your journey", he informed.
"What do you mean", asked a concerned Lincoln.
"I mean she has big secrets that I assure you, specifically Logan won't like", he said mysteriously with a chuckle.
"Why did she need you", I asked. "Nick took the person she needs and I knew where he was", he answered. "So where ever Nick is Riley follows", I asked.
"I guess", he said.
"Get ready gang we're going to find Nick", I ordered.
We arrived at TDC, because our satelite said Nick was here.
"Shouldn't she be here", I asked.
"I'll go ask Ted if he has seen her", said Lincoln.
Then we saw a little boy say," mommy."
WAIT WHAT!! She's a MOM!!!
"Aidan", she said tears forming in her eyes. The little boy or Aidan looked exactly like Riley. He had her black hair, brown eyes and tan skin.
"I missed you mommy", cried Aidan holding onto Ri for his dear life.
"I missed you to baby more than you could imagine", cried Riley squeezing the life out of Aidan, but I don't think Aidan minded.
"I can't believe she's a mom", said Max.
"Me neither", agreed Lincoln sadly. "Well I'd hate to ruin this family reunion, but Aidan go back to the guards", demanded Nick.
"No, I want to stay with mommy. Your a meanie", said Aidan snuggling into Riley's chest.
"Now or you will be punished", smirked Nick. Aidan gulped and walked over to the guards.
"Hurt him and I will kill you", said Riley getting mad, stepping closer to Aidan.
"Step any closer and Aidan will pay the price", said Nick holding a red button.
"What is that", said Riley.
"Why don't I demonstrate", laughed Nick pushing the button. Then we saw a crying Aidan holding his head.
"Stop please it hurts", cried Aidan. "Stop it now Nickolas", hissed Riley, trying to run over to Aidan.
"Fine, but I thought you of all people love the torture", smirked Nick.
Riley broke from the guards grasp and linched Nick, throwing him into the wall. But Nick, kicked her gut and punched her in the face repeatedly. "Get away from her", screamed Aidan struggling through the guards grasp. "Aidan don't look", yelled Riley. Aidan covered his eyes with his tiny hands. Riley then grapped her knife and stabbed Nick's arm. She then punched his face and lifted his shirt.
"First you kill my mom, then you ruin my relationship with Logan, then rape me forcing me to have your kid and then you kidnap him", said Riley in pure rage. Wait Nick raped her. Does that mean Nick is Aidan's father? I then heard a gun click. I looked over and saw a Lincoln holding a gun to Nick's head.
"Lincoln put the gun down", said Riley.
"Why, after what he did to you, you're defending him", said Lincoln in shock. "No I need to be the one to kill him not you", fired back Riley.
Lincoln put his gun down. That's when Nick took his chance and grabbed Lincoln and pulled his gun out to Linc's head.
"Either you let me leave now with Aidan or I kill Lincoln", negotiated Nick.
My heart stopped, was she going to let Linc die or let Nick go.
"Fine leave but can I at least say goodbye to Aidan", she said sadly. Nick only nodded still holding his gun to Lincoln's head.
"Mommy I want to stay with you, please I'll be good", pleaded Aidan, tears falling down his face.
"Baby I promise I'll find you soon, just please be good", she said kissing his forehead.
She walked away from Aidan, leaving him a sobbing mess and returned next to Nick.
"Thanks for your cooperation, see you around Riley", said Nick.
"No matter how far you run and hide I will find Aidan and if I find out you touched him in any way. Well let's just say you're going to wish you've never been born", hissed Riley.
Nick and his gang left. Leaving me, my gang, Riley, and Lincoln.
"So your a mom", I said awkwardly.
"I don't have to explain myself to you", said Riley in a cold tone. "Actually you kind of do", I said stepping closer towards her.
"You could have had a kid with anyone but you had to have it with Nick", I said getting pissed. Then I felt myself being held up into the air by Riley.
"You think I chose to have a kid at my age, especially with him", she laughed.
"You must be more delusional then I thought. And plus why do you care it's not like you care about me." My heart broke hearing her say that.
"Of course I fucking care, I love you",I yelled at her my voice cracking. Her face softened.
"But, why go through all this trouble to get the kid back",'I asked. I saw pain flash through her eyes.
"Because he's the only thing I have left of my happiness", she said putting me down. She then rushed past us, leaving TDC.
"What did she mean by that", asked Pierce.
"I don't know", I thought.
"We should get going guys", said Lincoln.
I didn't respond, I couldn't stop thinking about what she ment. She had her family, the gang and me. I love her more than anything. I will get her back even if it's the last thing I do.

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