Questions and Answers

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Reaper's POV

I bet your wondering how the hell did I have a kid and who is the father. Well it happened 2 years when I moved to Europe. I was in London at a bar and a gang kidnapped me, but the crazy part was they were working for Nick. The night I was captured I was rapped by Nick. I escaped a week later, but found out I was pregnant with his child. I was still 18 and in a few months would be 19. When I was about to give birth I actually drove my own ass to the hospital and at 1:13 am I had my son Aidan Rider Stone. But about a few months Nick ambushed me when I was with Aidan and kidnapped him. I haven't seen my son in about a year. To be honest I only came back to get Aidan because I knew Nick kept him close. Right now I was in my room looking for leads to finding Aidan. I then realized Jerry a guy who lived in town worked for Nick and knew where Aidan was. I grabbed my gun, some small knives, leather jacket, my bike keys and headed off to Jerry's house. When I got there I noticed the Rippers and the Black Rose gang was there.
"Wow Jerry you must be in deep shit if 2 gangs are here and me", I smirked at him.
"R-r-reaper what are y you doing h here", he stuttered.
"To get some answers now Logan hand him over", I said.
"Not happening", said Leila stepping forward.
"It wasn't an option", I said.
That's when Leila lunged at me and punched my gut. I was holding my stomach in pain but laughed. I bet your wondering why are you laughing? Well because she thinks she can beat me The Reaper.
"Cute but let me show you how to through a real punch Leila", I said.
I swung at her and hit her jaw, hearing a satisfying crack. I then kicked her shin and punched her face. She fell over in pain but I ignored her and walked towards Logan.
"Give me Jerry now", I said pissed.
A few moments later I heard Logan yell,"Wes don't."
I turned and saw Wes charging at me with a knife. I punched him, grabbed his knife and threw it.
"All I want is Jerry and I'll leave", I said.
"Why", asked Logan.
"He has the answers I need in order to find someone", I said.
"Who are you looking for", asked Danny my brother.
"Someone I love was taken from me", I stated.
I waked over to Jerry grabbing his shirt, lifting him up.
"Where is he", I asked.
"Where is who", said Jerry playing stupid.
"You know who and if you don't tell me I skin you and give it to Nick", I hissed. In the corner of my eyes I saw the gangs gulped in fear.
"If you kill me you won't ever find him", smirked Jerry.
"Looks like you grew a pair Jerr, cute but that won't help you", I stated.
"If I tell you, you can't kill me", he negotiated.
"Really", I said in disbelief.
"Really", he clarified.
"Alright deal, now tell me", I said. "Nick has him in one of his safe houses", said Jerry.
"Which one", I asked.
"I dont know that's all he told me. Honestly", he said raising his hands surrendering.
"Alright thanks", I said.
"Here you guys go he's all yours", I smirked. I know what your thinking why am I such a bitch, well he was one of the guys who helped kidnap Aidan, so he got what was coming to him.
"You said you wouldn't kill me", he said scared.
"I'm not they are", I said pointing to the Logan and his gang.
"Your just as bad as Nick no wonder he took... ", before Jerry could finish I punched him.
"I may be a lot of things", I said getting closer to him, "but I'm nothing like Nick."
I got up and walked over to Logan, "good luck with him", I said.
I got on my bike and headed home. When I arrived at my porch it had another letter. I opened it hesitantly, wondering what could be in the envelope. The letter said,

Dear Riley,
I see you tried getting the answer out of Jerry. But you'll never find Aidan, I haven't told anyone our location.
Love, Nick
P.S. There's a picture of Aidan

I looked deeper inside the envelope and saw a picture of Aidan. He was stuck in a small cage, with a small bed and his toys. I swear even if it's the last thing I do I will kill Nick with my bare hands. I went to my room with the thought of Aidan on my mind.

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