Lunch comes by quickly. Alice and I have devised stage one of our plan to get Heather to realize she likes Finn. We're such Cupids.

"It's weird Finn not being here." Alice sighs.

"Yeah." I agree.

"I hate being outnumbered by you girls." Kevin mutters.

"You're outnumbered even when Finn is here." Heather points out.

"You've ruined it for me." Kevin playfully glares at me.

"I'll just go back to England then shall I?" I retort playfully.

"Yup!" Kevin nods. "Cheerio!" He says in an appallingly bad English accent.

"That was the worst English accent I've ever heard."

"I agree." Heather nods.

"Please." Kevin scoffs. "I am the Master of accents."

"Go on then, do a Russian one." 

"Would you like some vodka?" He says in a pretty good Russian accent.

"Polish." I challenge.

The next fifteen minutes are passed in Kevin and I having an accent war. I win.

"You cheated!" He complains.

"How could I have possibly cheated?!"

"I don't know... But you did!"

"Yeah, yeah."

The afternoon drones on painfully slowly. History comes to an end and everybody packs up and leaves. I stay behind. Mr Denim has his back to me and he wipes the board. I stand up and awkwardly make my way over to him. I'm not sure where my sudden nerves have come from. Maybe it's that he saw me in that bar. Or that I walked away from him. 

"Um..." I start.

He jumps and whips around to see me. 

"Oh Megan." He sighs. "What are you still doing here?"

"Um... Are you not tutoring me anymore?" I ask awkwardly scratching my neck.

"No, of course."

I give him a few confused look.

Was that a yes or a no?

"I mean yes, of course we are. Take a seat." He smiles.

I sit at one of the desks in the front row and he pulls up a chair. 

"So where do you want to start?" He asks.

"At the very beginning."

"Sure thing. You like The Smiths?" He trails off topic.

I look down to my Smiths T-shirt.

"Love them." I grin.

"No way?" 

I nod my head.

"What is your favourite song?"

"That is not a fair question!" I object. "That's like asking me to choose my favourite child."

"You have kids?"

"No!" I laugh. "It's just an expression."

"Right." He says looking embarrassed. 

I shoot him a smile which he returns.

God, he's so breath taking. 

"So, Hitler!" He expresses, clapping his hands and looking down at the textbook. 

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