My head hurts again, for what like the third time? I’m tired of this head ache thing. I roll over and my whole body is aching, what did I do get run over by a truck a million times?

Alright now Jane next move, you actually need to make it out of your room alive today. Find out where you are and how to escape.

Alright let’s try this again, I slowly trudge my way out of my room and take a right to go down a set of steps. The house is nice and the hallways are a nice warm red colour such as alizarin crimson, I also see that the hallway my room is in has maybe twenty other doors in it.

I grab onto the railing and make my way downstairs, finally at the bottom and I am standing in a big open room. I am assuming it is the living room as there is a big flat screen T.V and a large black leather L shaped couch. On both sides of it are four large recliner chairs big enough for two people.

Who lives here, an army? I mean why does the house need to be so massive, I am only on the second floor and I think there’s at least four floors or maybe more since there’s an elevator.

I make my way through the living room and see to the right there is a big kitchen with a bunch of women cooking in it.

Stereotypical much?

I can smell bacon and eggs, its morning already? How long was I out?

“Hello Luna” one of the girl pipes up.

I look at them and I hadn’t realized I had moved and was now sitting at the granite top island.

I specifically stared blankly at the girl who called me Luna.

“What the fuck is a Luna?” I ask.

Every head in the kitchen turns and looks at me which was about ten or twelve and all their eyes widened as if I had said something I shouldn’t of.

One girl stood out in particular, she held herself with confidence? Power? She moved so gracefully.

She moves towards me and in a perky manner she sticks her hand out to me. I grab her hand and shake it.

“Hi my name’s Skylar!” Even her voice is nice.

She’s pretty; she has big blue eyes and really blonde hair that fall to her shoulders. She’s really short though, she would only come up to my chin if I was standing and I’m 5’1”... So she would have to be about 4’9” or 4’10” somewhere around there.

"I’m Jane, it’s nice to meet you Skylar" I say equally as perky.

“We’ve heard so much about you Jane, we’re so happy to finally meet you!” One girl chimed in from the back of the kitchen in the pantry.

“What did you girls hear so far?” I ask.

Another girl speaks up, “We heard you were kidnapped by the Al-”

She was cut off halfway through the word when she was elbowed in the stomach.

“Oomph” sounded throughout the kitchen and I giggled.

“We heard you were kidnapped by Caine” she continued.

“And that you’re clumsy” snickered another girl who I couldn’t see.

“Shut up Casey no one asked you!” Skylar yelled at a tall blonde girl who had moved and was now sitting next to me.

“Excuse Casey, she’s the pack...err family whore... She won’t do anything. She used to have flings with Caine.”

I look at Casey. She was in black stiletto pumps and a red mini skirt with a white button up shirt that showed her rather small cleavage and she had the ends tied up to show off her belly.

Kidnapped By the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now