the real end that is happy and inappropriate for young viewers

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Richards p.o.v

It had been days later that she had gotten out of the hospital. I was flying her across town holding her in my arms while she holds her bag. She has accepted my offer of moving in with me.
We were just at tonys to grab her stuff and say goodbye to everyone from different dimension who were going to their homes. now we are on our way to my place. She smells like violets, this morning she had a shower with peppers help. I so wanted to be the one to help her take her showers but it would have been awkward when tony started to question how she was taking showers and found out it was me. Besides i dont think we are really there. J just asked her out and she had said yes and now she was moving in and i know we have known each other for a long time but i dont want to move to fast. I want to enjoy what i have. When we get to the building there's a sign in front of the elevator that says out of order, so we walk up the stairs. I offer to carry her but she says she needs to get back on her feet. I get impatient and just grab her and fly up the rest of the way, when we get there i put her down and put her arm over my shoulder to help her walk. I unlock the door and walk over to the couch and she sits down and bring her bag into the bedroom and throw it on the floor. I walk back into the living room and sit beside her. "I really wasn't kidding the other day. If you had let me i would have wanted to come here with you." She says. My eyes go wide and i am looking everywhere but at her. My fear makes me let go of my ability to control my powers and all of a sudden her thoughts are flooding in my mind. "Stop thinking whatever you are thinking." I say and she laughs and kisses me. 'Ive never actually been with a man, so let me apologize in advanced for how bad i may be.' She says "what." I pull away and say out loud. "Look obviously you arent gonna make the first move here so i am." She says and starts kissing me. I am paralyzed. She laughs. She moves over and sits on my lap. She had difficulty moving over to sit on me but she is a strong girl and she managed.

Her arms go around my neck and my two shaking hands find her waste and kiss back. i remember which one of us is stronger and has the most powers and gain a bit more confidence. I lift her into my arms and carry her to my... our room. I sit her down and she lifts her shirt up and i move into kiss her, while she lifts up my shirt. The rest was a little hazy but it was incredible. I hold her in my arms now and i never want to let go. I can feel myself giving her back some of her powers but right now i hold on to telepathy so i can listen to her thought. She is thinking about the choice she made. She decided to become mortal to stay.... with me.

To stay with me.

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