The out-of-towners

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P.o.v: richard
*in the second dimension*

She takes the wheel for the fourth time. She just finished refreshing herself. Were almost back on earth. When we get there she plans to give the Pearl to tony so he can run some test on it. I sit there, I cant help but stare at her. I stand up and go over to the controls, I press auto pilot. She stops steering and looks up at me. "I wanted to talk to you." "I can talk and drive at the same time." "No your to focused." "Okay talk." She says sitting down at the little table. "Its about before you left, what I said." "Oh rich, I can't talk about this now." She hesitates. I look down and look back up at her. I move quickly. My lips touch hers. She tastes like soap from having a shower. At first she is surprised but then she kisses me back. "Richard wake up." She says between kisses. "Richard wake up your gonna crash the ship." Hadley says.

 I open my eyes. It was just a dream. Instead Hadley is standing in front of me wearing a towel rapped around her. She Looks in freight at what lies ahead. I look ahead of me. We are heading straight for earth at an alarming rate. I grab the wheel and pull back. "Sorry I must have dozed of. I dreamed that you finished your shower and came back to take the wheel and so I thought you were driving. Well actually for a minute we were on autopilot but you know." "Well that dream is about to become a reality let me just go get dressed. Oh and call Tony, his only daughter runs off to somewhere in the galaxy with some guy and a billion dollar space ship I bet he thinks were half way to the nearest galactic Vegas to get hitched and then spend the night in this ships only bed. Well that is if he didn't know me well enough. If he knew me well enough he would know I don't spend time on distractions, and he doesn't know me well enough so he probably assumes the worst." She says and then walks over to her room. "Jarvis." "Yes master rider." "Call Tony." "Calling Tony." It takes about one ring for him to answer. "Where the hell did you two go. If I find you flew off to Vegas to get married it will be Richards neck." "She should'a put money on it." "Dick where's Hadley." "Getting dressed." "In another room I hope." "Yes sir. We didn't get married yet tony. You know I wouldn't do that without your permission. You also know that I'm basically stuck in the colleague zone and just recently she has showed me friendly affection for the first time and ironically for a telepath she has no idea that I like her." I say in a whisper. "Yes I would say its pretty hopeless for him sir." Jarvis says to tony. "Fine now where did you go." "Knowehere." "That's a lie where did you go." "No really first we went to the planet knowhere she had a contact from there. Then we went to another planet to pick up the package her contact ordered for her." "What is it." "A giant pearl about the size of hadleys head. They called it the stone of June." "Never heard of it." "Funny neither did everybody else." "are you coming home at all." "yeah we are on our way now." "good how long is it now until you get here." "shouldn't be to long she is gonna take the wheel and you know how fast she likes to drive." "you should have tried giving her, her driving lessons so she could take the test when she moved to new york." "i pity you." "you're the one stuck on a ship with her." "stuck on a ship in the middle of space with nothing around you isn't that bad its being on the road in brooklyn in the middle of rush hour." "point taken. i will see you in about and hour to an hour and a half." tony says and hangs up. she comes out and is drying her hair with a towel. "thats a little ironic." "what?" "your drying you hair with a towel when you can control both flames and wind." "you're right. i always forget i have powers that can help me do basically anything." she says and smiles. she throws the towel on a chair and sets her hair on fire and then it goes back to normal but dry. she has split ends everywhere but i don't think she is concerned about how she looks... ever. she nods he head and i get up and move to the co-pilot seat and she takes the wheel. "jarvis." "yes master hadley." "hyper drive please this is a little slow for my taste." "try not to hit anything when you get to earth." "funny."  she says sarcastically and the ship moves like a bullet. all i see is blurred lines but she seems to see everything clear as day. when we get to earth she plus back on the wheel. we come to a stop. she presses a button and hyper speed turns off, she moves us forward and we slowly make our descend into earths atmosphere. "master hadley we're getting a call from director fury." "answer it please jarvis." "yes ma'am." "hadley stark." fury starts. "legally it's not stark yet fury. what do you want i'm currently flying and i don't want to cause traffic some people can be such crazy drivers at night. the avengers can all fly without ships basically and then to boot they have ships, as does shield and the x-men, you're not cool if you don't have a ship these days. the skies are quit unsafe for airlines now." "let's not be smug. i just got off the phone with your father, no one had seen or heard from you in two years except him so i gave him a call. he told me you stopped by and took off with mr. rider." "hey fury." "hey dick. anyways he said however that you were on your way back. i told him i needed you down at shield headquarters." "that will have to wait i have to go see tony. he is kinda pissed we left on such short notice." "that's what he said to me however his language was a bit more foul than that. i told him he may be needed down here as well. forget stark tower come down here please you are deeply needed something weird has struck manhattan." she makes a turn just before she lands on the stark tower roof. we are half an hour later than planned but we are greeted when we get there. "whats the problem fury." hadley asks when we get off the plane "i don't know."  he starts fast walking and she matches his pace they walk as if they were gliding across the floor in sync. she can do that to almost anyone. i guess it's a shape shifter thing. she looks so regal, like she was taking control of the situation. i try and keep up but some (very few but some) of the halls aren't that wide and i am stuck trying to walk quickly behind them. we stop in a non narrow hall filled with interrogation rooms. they are more like holding cells but you can sit outside the two way mirror and watch them being interrogated. the rooms are filled with various people. the first one had a redheaded girl. "whats going on." hadley whispers so no one will here her. "this is everything we know. we want you to interrogate them figure out what you can and if you have to, do a little mind work." fury says handing her a folder filed with thin files. "fury you know i don't do that." "this is important." she nods her head. "only if it needs to come to that." she says. she opens the door to the redheaded girls room and sits down at the chair in front of the table in front of the red headed girl. "your wrists look uncomfortable." hadley says looking at the handcuffs that have cuffed the girl to the table. the cuffs undo themselves with a little help from hadley's telekinesis. "nice tattoo." hadley says the girl just gives her a deathly look. she rubs the tattoo it kind of looks like an upside down f or a fishing hook. the girl stands up hadley smiles. the girls lashes out a punch at hadley and hadley raises her hand and the punch hits hadley square in the hand and nothing happens. that punch looked like it was gonna hurt. hadley smiles and puts her hand down. the girl sits "yes your sitting down now. there is no need to hit me. you'll only waist your time and energy."  hadley says nonchalantly. she crosses her legs and the girls jaw drops. her tattoo starts to fade. "that was the rune of strength that should have broken your hand." "well i don't feel any pain and my hand seems to be working perfectly fine." "they took my stele away from me now i can't redraw it." "i'm sorry rune, stele i'm a little lost." hadley says. "lets start with your name." "the more you try and move the more i try and force you to not move so just stop struggling against me and answer my question i'm not here to hurt you i just have a couple of questions about who you are and where your from." hadley says. she opens the folder the girls face looks as if she is straining to move but her arms are down at her side and she is paralyzed in place. her face relaxes. "good, now this file says you and a couple of friends popped up in the middle of new york three days ago you had tattoo's all over you and were wearing all black a couple of witnesses though you were some sort of satanic gang. you had weapons and your tattoo looked like nothing they had ever seen and some disappeared she you were doing stuff. whats that all about." "i can't tell you that." "alright then whats your name." "clary fray." "where did you come from." "places." "your making this pretty hard on me." "i'm not supposed to make it easy." hadley stops and looks deep into her eyes. she stands up and the chains lock themselves back on clays wrists. "well clarrisa, that will be all." she gets up and leaves the room, she moves to the next room. without talking to either me nor fury. tony enters the interrogation hall. "what is she doing." "interrogating them." "who?" "thats the problem, we don't know." she sits down in front is a boy with blond hair. instantly i get uncomfortable he is probably one of the most good looking guys i have ever met in an instant he could make hadley change her entire mindset of dating. he is rough as if he has had his fair share of fighting. his face becomes smug when she sits down. "finally the service here is terrible." he says. she frowns. "more tattoos... i already talked to your redheaded girlfriend." his jaw dropped. "did she tell you we were dating." "no, she wouldn't say anything but her name and not her biological one either but you do just the same isn't that right jace herondale." "lady stop playing games right now or i'll..." "or you'll what rip my head off with one of those kindergarten doodles that you wear gracefully on your arm you goth freak because i can make it so you can't move to do anything i can stop every muscle in your body, including your heart and your brain now your brain isn't particularly a muscle but i can still stop any thoughts whether they are subconscious or not i can have every functioning thing in your body take a holiday so try and threaten and intimidate me because its not gonna work punk. i just came in here to ask a couple of questions but i can see your difficult, sassy and sarcastic which are the same thing but my point is your not going to be easy to handle. i have all the information i need, now i'm going and i'll tell your friends you say hi." she says getting up and leaving. when she opens the door to the hallway fury looks shocked. the blond haired boy looks as if he just saw a ghost. "if you ever make me go through someones head like that again fury so help me i will_" "hadley." stark says. "hi dad...... okay i have more interrogations i can handle the rest on my own i don't need an audience so tony richard why don't you go get something to eat, fury go boss someone around i'll catch up later and tell you everything you need to know." hadley says striding to the next room. me and tony go the lunch room. i find it kind of strange they even had a lunch room. i kind of figured that secret agents fed off of the evil souls they killed and the good souls they avenged. however here they are sitting and eating muffins and mac and cheese right in front of me. i guess tony is just as on edge about this as i am because he looks around at them all. "So space, how was that." Tony says taking a bite out of burrito. "Good, Hadley kicked ass which is normal but ya know." "Ya." Tony says awkwardly. "You know I was able to tolerate you a lot more when you didn't have a thing for my daughter." "Ya." I say awkwardly. We sit there and eat for a good half an hour before fury and Hadley come sit and join us. "Your file said that everyone in that Hall had appeared only three nights ago. That's all you know, but that's also all they know. the brothers both were in their impala that night and the car just was suddenly in the middle of time square. They weren't even near new York state. they thought they were having their minds tricked by demons, the one was worried about an angel named castiel. The guy with the fez he came out of a police box from London and his mind kept thinking about how he should have been in another dimension not new york. The creepy group of teens dressed in all black were thinking of something called a shadow hunter. But as far as i know they aren't here to hurt anyone unless the same would be done to them. they have no idea how they got here." she says. "i checked all the weapons that people had when they entered new york, most of it is like nothing i have ever seen, except the salt shakers that the two brothers brought." she says exasperated.  "then there was those little tiny creatures that came in little tiny red and white balls, ya some of them talk." she says confused. "then i saw a little thing that looked like the handle of a sword i picked it up pressed a little button a woos almost singed my eyebrows." it belonged to that blond haired boy that was dressed in the black cloak. he came with the guy in the vest and the girl with cinnamon bun hair." she says as if she is trying to rap her head around. "do any of them have powers." fury asks. "in a sort, some of them use this thing that they call 'the force' really its just telekinesis but you know they are from planets that i have never even heard of like tatoine. then the first few which i had interrogated  had these tattoos called runes which are like magic. they give them certain powers i guess. then there was that guy in the bat suit, i read his thoughts and when he got here he was with other people there was a super speedy dude, some guy in a stupid spandex outfit who controls water, an amazonian chick and a man with like lazier vision they all got away they had super powers he did not oh and there was a guy that you caught that was with him, the guy didn't have powers but he had a ring which you took off of him and when you did he lost any powers he had. i was reading his thoughts and i examined the ring. the ring comes from some part of space the people who wear the rings; green lanterns, as they call themselves pledge themselves to protect.. stuff and when they wear the ring they can produce three dimensional images to whatever they imagine. those images can damage stuff. yeah i don't know how to describe it but it was.. pretty cool.. i guess, they are a team and they call themselves the justice league of america, it's cute really but it's not as cool as like the avengers or x-men. but the man with the bat suit he had memories of a town in the united states that didn't exist called gotham. i tried googling it before i came to talk to you and it's not real. there a few other people but they all have o idea where they are, there a like four others as well samirah, chase, blitz, and hearth yeah sam and blitz are from massachutzets  and the others are from some of the nine worlds, yeah it goes into norse mythology so maybe we can get in touch with thor and he might have an explanation." she says with her thinking face, as if she were trying to figure things out. it reminded of the dreams she told me about with the voice that had talked in her head. "hadley." i says. "ya." "can i talk to you for a minute." she nods and stands up and we walk away. considering we are in a room full of spies i can tell that there a few eyes on us trying to see what we are talking about so i pull her into a different room. "you don't think this could have anything to do with that voice." "actually, richard thats exactly what i was thinking had to do with this." she says pausing. "it said i had to bring together those he sent to help, he said it was his job for me." "so what do we do." "we go after the ones that got away first, then we let everyone out of those cells and we sit and talk, then i don't know find out where they are from."she says powerfully. she strides out of the room. yet another moment goes by that i wish i had kissed her.

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