The critical information

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AUTHORS NOTE hey guys storm here i know that no one is reading this but hey if you are thank you. it means the world to me because this is my first book to get npo views besides the times that i read it so thank you for still being here at this point. oh and happy valentines day. in celebration of valentines day i have a little bit of richard and hadley romance going on as we approach the final battle. i hope you like it. 

richards p.o.v

hadley interviewed them all after taking them into custody. she came out and explained that she was right. whoever it is got into her head also was in theirs. they have all been sent from what he explained to them as different dimensions. they were told that she was the key to helping him stop some evil force and to do that she would also need the stone.  as we sit in the meeting room discussing what we are going to do with the people in our custody. "we cannot keep them in there. they are not our prisoners, they need to feel like we trust them." hadley says. "should we trust them." cap asks. "yes, we need them. whatever is coming is going to be big so we need to release them from the hold we have them in. we won't let roam completely free but you need to let them out of there." "why should we trust you. you haven't been the same since you came back from space. what if your a skrull and this is your little skrull army." peter says sitting on the table. we called him a few hours ago because if this gets anymore serious spiderman is gonna need to help out. we also called over the x-men.  "you think i am skrull." hadley asks a little defensive. "why not its happened before." he says. "you think i can be beat by a skrull. i am not a skrull peter. now i expect you to go release them and peter because you don't trust them or me you can be the one to show them around alright. i need to go figure some stuff out... about all of.... this." she says getting up and leaving. i follow her. "where are you going." "i don't know for a few laps around the globe i just need out." "no you need to stay, you can't run away from things every time it gets dangerous for others. we can all hold our own." i say grabbing her wrist. "if what you say is really all that bad we need you to lead us. what are we gonna do." "i don't know this is beyond knowledge. he information he sent them down with is unimaginable it means that everything that we know about universe is just a small morcel of the information needed to understand everything." "but if anyone can come to terms with what is going on, its you." i say. she hugs me. she pulls me in and i feel her small yet impeccably strong arms take hold of me and she raps them around my neck and barries her face in my shoulder. one of my arms rap around her waste the other goes protectively behind her head. "dick, i'm sorry for also pushing you away. i know that before you tried to move closer to me and i fled. i went away because i didn't know what was happening. i know you had and still have feelings for me and i was afraid. i had always barricaded myself from that sort of thing and yet i started to feel something for you, it was hard for me to keep everything professional. so i'm sorry i left." she had feelings for me. SHE LIKED ME. i pull back and stare directly in her green eyes. they are glowing. i don't know what to do, i don't know what to say. i have been in love with this girl for forever thinking she would never love me in return and here she had loved me the whole time. i do the thing only possible in my dreams. i kiss her. at first she doesn't respond but then she kisses me back and we stand there and i feel everything. i feel sparks. literally i can exert energy and i guess i started loosing control over the electric energy. she pulls away. "don't tell anyone we did that." she says threateningly. "we are professionals we can't be seen snogging on the job. now come on. i need to lead." she says storming off and i take a second to do a little silent happy dance. then i fly up and after her. i start being a little too cocky by flying around and twirling and fly backwards while lying on my  back so i can watch her as she walks beside me. "i'll race you to the board room." i say and i blast off. when i get there she is already sitting in the head chair smirking at me. super speed. the people who had appeared within the last few nights. apparently whatever is going to happen it is going to happen within the next few nights. whatever is going to happen is going to happen in three days. december is about darkness, sadness and and fear and so we need to expect a lot of that. we did a lot of training to fight fear and i had to spend a lot of time away from hadley because she had to train to fight against december. she had to learn how to use the pearl. grasping the pearl took a tole on her. she started having visions she wouldn't say what they were but they were destroying her. i worried about her. she came to me the first night after training and she slept beside me. i could tell she didn't sleep but she had pretended she did. she woke up the next morning and she had bags in her eyes until she had looked at herself in the morning. shape shifting. she had come out even worse after the next training section. she had lost some of the glow in her eyes. she looked horrified, like she had seen something worse than any of us could comprehend. that night she had slept beside me again, this time i had snuck several dozen nyquil tablets into her juice a(which wouldn't kill her because she has the power to heal) they had dissolved into her juice  and she had passed out hours later i hadn't slept that night. i laid awake in the dark thinking about what it could be that has affected her so much. that makes her look weaker than she is, that makes her look defenceless and unprotected and than the next morning she looks stronger than ever. she looks like she could stand in the middle of nuclear bomb and be completely untouched. she has hell's fire burning in her eyes and she storms the halls with a furosity that could destroy new york with a single punch to the ground. we make a plan i am in charge of the ground team. we are scattered all over the globe protecting the people while hadley is gonna be out in space trying to take down december. she is gonna have a mind link on me the entire time so when she needs it i will fly out the pearl. if she has it to soon in the battle it might fall into the wrong hands. we have no idea what december is capable of but if he gets a hold of the pearl everything will be destroyed. tonight she lays besides me and stares directly into my eyes. "i'm saying goodbye now." she says. "because i might not be able to say it again tomorrow." "no you can defeat him you are the strongest being in the universe you can o this." "but we aren't the only universe out there. who knows what he can do. don't try and pretend that something bad won't happen just give me a kiss to remember you by." she says and slowly i lean in and kiss her. we both lie awake that night holding each other. taking in the others presence.

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