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"Just married!" Read the shattered windshield. My shattered windshield, of my brand new car, on my wedding day. My newly wed husband was pulled out of the wrecked car, no longer breathing. He was dead. The love of my life. Just an hour ago we were having the best day of our lives, partying with friends and family, celebrating the beauty of our marriage. We were in complete and utter love- and now only one of us remained. What good is a wedding with only the bride?

My mother held me tight as I screamed and cried at the sight of my beloved husband dead on the ground. I tried to get out of her grasp- to run to him, but the paramedics held me back. The blinking lights blinded me as I stared at the horrid picture of our car. I felt like I was going to puke.

My once white wedding dress was now soaked with tears and red with blood. His blood. I sobbed harder, holding onto my mother's arm. I was broken. We were going to have a family together. Four kids we had decided on- all with "E" names. We were going to move to the states where he would get a job as a marine biologist and I would be a teacher at out children's school. We had it all planned out and now it was gone.  All my dreams and hopes for life were gone.

Two years later twenty one year old me is on her way to the America's to live with a family friend- Quinn. She had moved over there a year before and had an extra room in her flat which would soon be mine. This was my chance to start over and live my life.

Soon enough, I was boarding off the plane and attempting to find a girl I'd never even seen before in the crowd. I searched the pool of people for a girl that looked about my age. I knew she had long, light brown hair, but that was all my mother had told me.

"Mallory!" Somebody yelled to my right. I turned to see a girl running towards me. About my age with long, light brown hair- must be her. "You're Mallory?" She asked with a smile on her face. She had an English accent like me.

"Yeah, Quinn?

She smiled and let out a hand to shake, "That's me!" After letting go of my hand, she picked up one of my bags, "Let's get out of here." She then led the way out of the airport as strangers walked by left and right as if all was okay in the world.

"Alright, here's your room." Quinn opened the door to reveal a fairly large-sized room. The walls were light yellow and the queen sized bed had a white, fluffy looking comforter on it. I could see a closet on the left wall and a TV at the foot of the bed on top of a dresser. Quinn set down the two suit cases she was carrying before walking to the closet and opening it. "There should be enough hangers in here, but if you need more just tell me. You also have all the drawers in the dresser and the bathroom across the hall for toiletries and such. You're the only one who'll use that one unless we have company- I have my own bathroom next to my room. Oh! Speaking of company my brother is coming into town tonight and we're gonna go out to eat if that's okay. So, you might want to change out of your sweatpants." She laughed before walking towards the door to leave, "Now, I'll let you unpack. If you need me I'll be just down the hall in the living room." She smiled warmly before walking away and shutting the door behind her.

Gosh she was a happy girl. I sighed as I looked around the room. This was my new home. I took a deep breath before getting to work unpacking. I really didn't feel like changing and going somewhere, but we were going to eat and a nice meal other than fast food sounded wonderful.

After I finished unpacking almost all my things I decided I should get ready to go. I needed to look somewhat presentable for her brother, right? I found some dark skinny jeans and a 5sos t-shirt which I put on before straightening my hair a bit. It had been in a messy bun all day and was- well- a mess. My eyes flickered across my left hand. There was a white line where my wedding ring should be. During the crash, the impact sent the ring to dig into my skin, leaving a scar.

After slipping on my black and white converse I walked out to the living room where Quinn was sitting on her phone. She looked up at me and smiled before standing. "You ready to go?"

I took a deep breath, "Yep!"

She grabbed her keys off the counter and we headed out the door. The airport wasn't very far from the flat building, so we were there for the second time that day within about ten minutes. We hurried inside, searching the crowd for her sibling- although, I didn't exactly know what he looked like. We wandered around for about twenty minutes before somebody yelled from behind us.

"Quinn!" We jerked around to see a man, maybe a few years older than me, running towards us. He had light brown hair, swooped to the side. Once reaching us immediately picked his sister up into a hug. "I missed you so much." He said into her hair, eyes shut tight. After about ten seconds of them just hugging he set her down lightly, chuckling before turning in a circle with a confused look upon his face, "I... I have no idea where the lads went. I swear they were right behind me!"

Quinn laughed, "Well, I'm sure they'll find us eventually. Well, either that or get mobbed." His face then turned to pure terror. "Louis, relax I was just kidding! They're fine! Just- you know- wandering aimlessly around an American airport... yeah, maybe we should go find them."

Louis nodded, laughing before noticing me for the first time, "Oh wait hold on- is this Mallory?" He smiled at me.

"Oh yeah! Louis, this is Mallory- Mallory, this is my brother, Louis!" I slightly smiled and shook his firm hand before he uninvitedly pulled me into a hug.

"Now!" He said as he pulled away. "Let's go find my friends!" He said with his hand on his hips, acting as if he was some type of superhero. He then saluted to absolutely no one in particular and we began to look through the large building again. I didn't know what "the lads" looked like, how old they were, how many of them there were- Heck, I didn't even know he was coming with anybody else!

"Louis! Quinn!" I heard somebody yell. I turned toward the voice to see four boys walking in our direction. "Oh my gosh, Louis you can't just run off like that." The eldest looking one said. He had a slight beard and brown hair. Actually all of them had brown hair except one- but I could tell his was only dyed blond and was naturally brown as well.

"Right, sorry." Louis apologized. As I looked between the five of them I began to realize they looked extremely familiar- but from where?

"Quinn! How are ya, babe?" One of the boys asked, bringing her into a hug.

"I'm good!" When she looked at me her eyes went wide and she looked back at the group of men standing before them. "Oh! Um, boys, this is Mallory! Mallory, this is Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam!"

I smiled, "Mal. I- I go by Mal." I smiled at Quinn before shaking each of their strong, sturdy hands. As I got closer, they looked even more familiar. I definitely knew them from somewhere, I just couldn't figure it out.

"Oh my gosh!" A girl screamed to their right. "Oh my gosh, mom look! It's One Direction!"

"Crap!" Louis said under his breath. He looked at the group before grabbing mine and Quinn's hands, "Run!" He yelled before the group of seven raced through the jet-lagged crowd.

So that's where I recognized them. Of course, they were famous! I watched them form back on the X-Factor. My husband and I when we were still dating would always watch shows like that together. They were famous!

And one of them was my house mate's brother.  

Long Way Down {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now