Helping Perrie (A Jerrie Fanfic)- Chapter 11

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(Jade's POV)

It had been two days since Perrie woke up from the incident, and today was the day she was finally being released from the hospital.

Leigh-Anne, Jesy, and I had talked the day before, and decided we would all take the rest of the week off, so that Perrie and I could recover before we got back to work. We all figured that it may be especially difficult for her to bounce back so quickly, after having her heart shattered and getting hurt by the man she thought loved her.

I left my flat just after lunchtime to go pick her up. When I got there, I parked in the parking lot of the hospital and got out of my car. There were tons of Paparazzi surrounding the building's entrance. Word must have gotten out that Perrie was being released that day. I quickly walked towards the building, and through the crowd, as the people with flashing cameras bombarded me with questions about Perrie. I didn't have to answer them, so I just pushed past them and went into the lobby. I checked in with the nice woman at the desk, who told me I could go upstairs and then bring her home whenever she and I were ready. I thanked her and headed upstairs on the elevator.

The past couple of days had been some of the slowest days I had ever experienced. It was strange not having my little goofball Perrie around to hang out with. All I did those two days was sit around the house and watch films all day, alone. The only time I had any human interaction was when Jesy and Leigh-Anne came over to have lunch one day. I was ready to have Perrie back in my life. Things just weren't the same without her.

When the elevator let me out on the 4th floor, I made my way down the hallway to room 293A. I reached her room and turned the doorknob. I was immediately greeted by that familiar voice I had been longing to hear. "Jadey!" Perrie squealed, sitting on the bed, as she flashed me a toothy smile. I smiled at her and walked over to her, "Hey Pez! How ya doin?". She gazed up at me with her piercing blue eyes and said "Pretty good. I think I'm ready to go home". I smiled even bigger and reached for her hand. She held mine and slowly got up from the bed. Our eyes met once again and Perrie let go of my hand to embrace me in a hug instead. I gently wrapped my arms around her shoulders, as hers were around my waist. It was times like those when time stood still, and I was reminded of how much I love having her as my best friend.

Once we arrived at Perrie's house, I unlocked the door and let us in. I shut it behind us and we both took off our shoes, as usual, to get comfy. Perrie sighed with relief and said "I sure did miss being home". She started heading straight for the kitchen. I followed her and asked "What are you doing Pez?". I saw her open the fridge and search hungrily for food. "Just getting something to eat, I'm starved!" she said, turning her head towards me for a moment, and flashing a quick smile. I laughed and said "That's the Perrie I know! Good to have you back safe and sound!".

And it really was good to have her back. It was good knowing I could continue to always watch out for her, and do my best to keep her out of harm's way.

And that's the story of Perrie going through a bad experience, which ended up bringing us closer together. Our friendship has been strengthened since then. I'm lucky to be able to say that Perrie Louise Edwards and I are best friends for life. We can get through anything, as long as we're together.

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