Helping Perrie (A Jerrie Fanfic)- Chapter 3

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(Perrie's POV)

I awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes drifting towards me from the kitchen. I got up and walked over to where the yummy scent was coming from. In the kitchen, I saw Jade with her back towards me, obviously concentrating on making the breakfast. I slowly and quietly tiptoed up to her and attacked her with a hug from behind. "BOO!" I yelled out as I hugged her. "SH*T PERRIE! Oh my god you scared me!" I couldn't help but to laugh at her. She rarely ever cussed, but when she did, it was quite funny. We both laughed for a while, not realizing that my arms were still wrapped around her waist as she cooked. When she finished the pancakes, Jade turned around and I held on to her as I unconsciously gazed into her beautiful eyes. "Uh Perrie the cakes are done" she said, looking at me with a slight smile and her cheeks looking a little pink. "Oh, sorry just kinda spaced out there." I stepped back and let her put the food on the table. I was quite embarrassed for staring at her with such admiration so obviously. Sometimes I just can't help myself. Jade really is truly beautiful.

After we stuffed our faces at breakfast, I helped Jade put the dishes in the sink and wipe down the table. We had the day off from work, so Jade and I decided to play Guess Who (Disney version, of course). We sat down on the rug in the living room to play. I find her love for Disney absolutely adorable.

(Jade's POV)

When the game became boring, I felt like I should follow up on my promise to her last night. I said, "So Perrie, I've been thinking about your situation with Ryan and I came up with a solution, sort of. I can tell you about it if you're ready, but if you'd like to wait that's fine". Perrie froze for a moment, then sat up straighter and said "I'd like to hear it". I explained my idea to her- "Well it's kind of simple actually. You're going to call him up and tell him that you know he's cheating on you." She responded by saying "But what if he finds me and... you know... hurts me?" I could she the pain and worry in her eyes. "Well remember, we are going to another city tomorrow, which means another hotel. I doubt he would be able to find you then. And I'll be by your side for the next few weeks, doing my best to protect you". Perrie fell silent for a while, probably thinking through the plan. After about a minute passed, she said "Okay. I'll call him tomorrow. Thank you for the advice, babe".

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