Helping Perrie (A Jerrie Fanfic)- Chapter 9

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(Perrie's POV)

I regained consciousness and immediately felt pain. A pain so intense, it took my breath away. I opened my eyes, only to close them quickly after the blinding bright light met my eyes. I lied absolutely still on the bed in dead silence as the stabbing pain in my ribs slowly subsided into a sore feeling. I let my mind go back in time to the night when Ryan broke into my hotel room. I remembered being so scared when he attacked Jade and me. I couldn't believe Ryan would be so cruel and cause us such harm. I couldn't think about it any more. I had to try and keep my mind off him. I opened my eyes again and this time, the lights didn't seem so bright. My eyes examined the hospital room. There was a calendar beside the bed. I slowly and carefully lifted my head up to look at it. If my calculations were correct, it was June 5th. That meant it had been two days since the incident. Had I really been out for that long? There was no one else in the room with me. I felt so alone, like I had no one left to talk to or seek comfort from. Vulnerability was at its maximum. I felt a lump in my throat that needed to be released. Next thing I knew, I was a complete mess. I had tears and leftover mascara streaming down my face. I cried for what felt like an hour, and then slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, there was a tall, fair skinned woman with short dark brown hair, standing by the side of my bed. She was writing on a piece of paper that was attached to a clipboard. I reached for a Kleenex from the nightstand at the edge of my bed, and wiped away old mascara that had run down onto my cheeks. The lady stopped writing for a moment and looked at me. She smiled sweetly and said "Hi Perrie, its good to see you awake. My name is Dr. Tamagna. I will be taking care of you for the time that you're here. Is there anything I can get you?". "No not now, thank you. But I do have a question for you" I said to the doctor. She responded with, "Sure what is it, Perrie?". Then I asked her, "When can I see my family and Jade? And when do I go home?". "You can go home in two days. We need to keep a close eye on how you recover till then. As for your parents visiting, they will be stopping by tomorrow afternoon. And Jade is going to visit later today around 4:00, so you have a couple hours till she arrives" said Dr. Tamagna. I felt anxious to see Jade. I didn't know how I would be able to wait that long to see her. I really missed Jade and I needed to be sure that she was really okay. "Okay, thank you. And how is Jade? Is she alright?" I asked. "Jade is fine, her only serious injury was a broken arm. The doctors gave her surgery for it and she is making a speedy recovery. She was sent home early this morning because of her progress" she reassured me. I smiled at her and said "Okay, thanks". "Sure thing, Ms. Edwards". And with that, she left me alone to wait for my best friend.

(Jade's POV)

I slowly walked down the hospital's hallway to Perrie's room, running my hand against the smooth white walls that seemed to go on forever. I was a little scared to see Perrie today because the last time I saw her, I couldn't handle it and I just broke down completely. I didn't want to cry in front of Perrie when she was conscious. I knew I had to be strong for her, especially at a time like this. When I reached the room that she was staying in, I brought my hand to the doorknob, but I couldn't bring myself to go inside. I ended up standing outside her room for several minutes, trying to pull myself together and make sure that I was emotionally stable enough to face Perrie again, when she's in such a fragile state. I finally decided to enter the room. I reached for the knob once more, and pushed open the door.

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