First Blood

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Annie and the guy kiss for a little while longer until she slowly breaks it as they come up for air.

"Well that was...something." She says.


"I don't normally just kiss random guys I meet in the park but-"

"I know, I know I just drive you so crazy you have no choice but to kiss random guys you meet in the park."

Annie laughs.

"I mean this is crazy right," Annie says. "I mean I don't even know your name."

"It's Charlie." Said Charlie.





"Nothing it's just you don't really strike me as a Charlie." Annie said using his own humor against him.

"Oh really, well what did I seem like?"

"I don't know, I was thinking maybe Ryder, or Jake, or Liam. I don't know something kind of bad-boy-ie."



"You think I'm a bad boy?"

"No, well I did when I first saw you but then you started talking. So now I see you as more of a misunderstood jokester who uses humor to hid his true feelings."

"Wow that's scary accurate. You just think you have me all figured out don't you?"

"No. I just read a lot and after a while you start to make people characters in your own story."

"I don't think that's healthy."

"Yeah it probably isn't."

"Wait, I still don't know your name."

"Why do you wanna know my name?"

"Because I just spent the last half hour with my tongue down your throat."

Annie laughs a little.

"My names Annie." She says.


"Yep. Short for Annabelle"

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

"You already got me to make out with you, can you stop with the cheesy pickup lines?"


"Wait why don't I know you? I mean I've lived here pretty much my whole life and I know like everyone."

"I just moved here last year."

"Oh, that explains it."


"I went to Paris last year."

"What to like live abroad-you're not in college are you?"

"No my mom got a chance to cook there for a year with some famous chef."

"Oh really who?"

"Gordon Ramsey."


"I'm just kidding. It was just this guy who's name I can't even pronounce."


Annie's phone goes off. She checks her messages and sees a message from Jonah that says "I'm ready."

"Oh um I have to go." Annie says.

"What, why?"

"I have to pick my brother up."

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