It Happened One Night

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It happened one night on August 18th 2012. Annabelle Caplin, Sophia Grayson, Elizabeth Ransick, Connor Ransick, William Rybak, and Olivia Brooks were sitting in Sophia's living room laughing, eating, and celebrating their last weekend of summer like they do every year.

"Look what I got." Olivia said as she pulled out a bottle of vodka. Olivia's the leader of the group. She's the person you tell your secrets to and she's also the person that'll use them against you. She's your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time.

"Where'd you get that?" Sophia asked. Sophia is a geeky-chic comic book nerd and she loves it. She does what she's told, gets good grades, and never complains. She's a classic do-gooder, but every once and awhile peer pressure gets the best of her.

"My parents liquor cabinet." Olivia said.

"You stole from your parents?" Asked Sophia.

"It's their fault for leaving the cabinet unlocked they're obviously provoking my rebellious behavior."

"You know you're right you should call CPS." Will joked. Will is a preppy jock. He's captain of the football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and lacrosse team. But he's never really been a guys, guy.

"I know but I'm scared, I mean what if daddy hits me?" Olivia said also joking. Everyone laughed at Olivia's twisted humor. "Okay, let's drink this before my parents realize its gone, Sophia go get some cups."

"Liv, I don't wanna drink that." Sophia said.

"Come on Soph, it's just vodka."

"Just vodka? I'm pretty sure that can burn a hole in my throat."

"Well you're not suppose to drink it alone you have to mix it with something. So come on get the cups."


"Fine then I guess I will." Olivia walks into the kitchen. Beth walks over to Sophia.

"Is Grant coming or not?" Asked Beth. On the surface Beth seems like you typical dumb blonde, but she's so much mor than that. She's smart, funny, and beautiful. And she doesn't even know it.

"He said he's on his way." Sophia answered.

"Guys maybe we shouldn't do this." Annie said. Annie is every quirky and different. She has a style all her own and she embraces it. But she's never felt truly excepted by anyone not even her friends.

"Yeah, Olivia will get pissed." Said Will.

"And so will Grant." Said Sophia.

"Come on Soph don't you want Grant and Olivia to get back together?" Asked Beth.

"Not really."

"What? Why?"

"Because Olivia made my brother miserable."

"How would you know?"

"I heard them fighting all the time."

"Well couples fight."

"Yeah, normal couples fight they had brawls."

"Sophia where're the nice cups your parents always use?" Olivia asked yelling from the kitchen.

"We can't use those." Sophia replied.

"It's fine we'll clean them before your parents get back."

"Fine, they're in the top shelf above the bakers-rack." Sophia replied giving in.


"You see? Wouldn't you get tried of dating that?" Sophia asked Beth.

"So she has her faults." Said Beth. "But that doesn't mean they can't work it out."

"Even if they did work it out he lives two-hundred miles away they-" Grant Grayson walks in through the front door cutting Sophia's sentence short. "Hey Grant." Annie, Beth, Connor, and Will said 'Hey' too.

"Hey" Grant said. "I didn't know I was getting a welcome home party."

"Well it's not really a party," Sophia said. "It's-" Olivia walks in with cups cutting Sophia's sentence short.

"Okay who's ready to get this party-" Olivia stops in her tracks when she sees Grant. "Grant, I didn't know you'd be here."

"I didn't know you'd be here either."

Olivia shakes the weirdness off sits down and returns back to herself.

"So, when'd you get out of clown academy?" Olivia asked.

"It's police academy and I got out yesterday. So, when did you guys turn twenty one?" Grant asked.

"Six months ago."

"That very funny."

"Well I've always been known for my charm."

"Well if I call the cops how do you think you can charm your way out of that?"

"No, Grant don't." Said Annie.

"Yeah we'll all get in trouble." Said Beth.

Grant thinks for a moment.

"Fine, I won't call the cops you guys can have all the fun you want." Grant starts to leave. But Sophia walks after him.

"Grant wait." Says Sophia.

"I can't believe you're letting her manipulate you like this."

"What're you talking about?"

"You're letting her talk you in to drinking."

"How do you even know I'm gonna drink?"

"Because its Olivia I know how she works I know how persuasive she can be."

"So what you don't trust me enough to make good decisions?"

"I do trust you it's just her I don't trust."

"Why do you hate her so much? What happened between you two?"

Grant stays silence for a moment.

"Nothing it's fine just go have fun get wasted, I don't care."


Grant ignores her and leaves. Sophia walks back to her friends.

"What was that all about?" Olivia asked.

"Nothing." Sophia answered.

"Great." Olivia pours the vodka into each of the glasses. "Now that that's out of the way the party can begin." Olivia hands a glass to everyone. And lifts hers in the air to start a toast. "To junior year." Everyone repeats "To junior year" then they clink glasses and take a sip of vodka.


Hours later everyone is scattered around the living room asleep. Sophia is the first person to wake up. She looks around and sees that everyone's asleep so she wakes Beth up which starts a chain reaction. Soon enough everyone is up, except for Olivia.

"Will wake Olivia up again." Says Sophia.

Will taps Olivia a couple of times. "Olivia, wake up." Will says. "Olivia." He pushes her and causes her to turn over revealing her pale, lifeless face.

Will jumps away from Olivia and screams. Everyone turns around and sees Olivia.

"Oh my god." Says Sophia.

"Is she dead?" Said Annie.

"No Olivia's just screwing with us." Said Beth.

"No Beth," said Sophia. "Olivia has a pretty sick sense of humor but she'd never do anything like this."

"So is she?" Ask Will.

Sophia walks over to Olivia and puts two fingers on her neck. "She doesn't have a pulse."

"Oh my god, Olivia's dead" said Annie.

"Yeah that's already been established Annie." Beth snarked.

"Just shut up Beth." Said Will.

"What do we do?" Ask Connor.

The question lingered there. What do they do?

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