Chapter 5- You're the One I Want

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***Lucy's POV***

Juvia and I were peacefully talking in my room while drinking some tea, trying to get our minds off of Lisanna.

"Hmm... Yes. Juvia thinks Grey-sama will like Juvia eventually." She said casually, drinking her tea.

"Yea, you two would be a very cute couple." I giggled. She then blushed and did a little wave.

"Haha, Juvia appreciates the compliments." She laughed and took another sip. I then heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, taking a sip of tea.

"Lu-chan!!! You're okay!" Levy-chan yelled and jumped.

"Of course I am Levy-chan, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned.

"We'll, I saw Lisanna with Natsu. Even though I knew her before, something doesn't seem right. She's different. So I'd rather hang out with you two!" She sighed then looked at me.

I was looked down. Juvia looked at me and patted my shoulder.

"Juvia thinks it'll be okay." She gave me an assuring smile. Levy-chan sat down as I poured her a cup of tea.

"Since Erza was very close with Lisanna, she probably ignored the strange feeling." Levy said, sighing.

"Juvia agrees." Juvia nodded in agreement.

"But tomorrow, you get to train with Natsu eh?" Levy-chan wiggled her eyebrows.

"Haha, yeah." I faked a smile.

We spent the whole night talking about random topics that came to mind, such as previous missions. I let them stay, knowing they were too tired to go home by them selves.

But for some reason, I couldn't sleep all that well. I kept thinking about Natsu and Lisanna. Was I jealous? Maybe I was, but if Natsu is happy, I shouldn't ruin their relationship.

Because then, I wouldn't be a good friend.


Ahh morning. I hardly got any sleep last night. I was pondering thoughts all night. I saw Juvia and Levy-chan lying down and I left them there to change and get ready. When I re entered, they were fully clothed and ready.

"I see you're ready now?" I asked and they nodded.

"Lets get going!" Levy yelled and we set off too the guild.

"Juvia can't wait to see Grey-sama again!" Juvia dreamed and we giggled. We both knew Juvia was truly in love with Grey. I don't know if that dense idiot could see though.

Once we all entered the guild, Mira greeted us. She was in a very good mood.

"Good morning, Levy, Lucy, Juvia!" We greeted her and sat down at the bar. I looked around for pink head, but nope. He was outa sight.

Sigh, he was supposed to help me train today.

"Oi Lucy!" I heard someone holler.

"N-Natsu?" I stuttered. I thought he was Lisanna.

"C'mon! We gotta do some training remember?" He grinned widely and snatched my hand. I blushed a deep red, looking away. Levy-chan winked and Juvia snickered.

"Lucy! Lets go!" He said while dragging me off the the field.

"Ok. Today we are going to work on your dragon abilities." He said with a stern voice. He sat on a rock and closed his eyes.

"For your dragon's roar. Hm.... I know. Concentrate all your magic into your voice, then when you gathered enough, yell!" He said while jumping up in the air. I flinched and backed up.

"Lets try, on that tree over there!" He said, rushing over.

Ok, concentrate all magic into my voice. Got it.

"Water dragon's Roar!" I yelled and a rush of water came out stronger then ever before, knocking down the tree and 4 behind it.

Natsu glanced at me and shot me a thumbs up.

"Ok, next, your iron fist. Same deal okay? But this time try it on me."

"But Natsu, wouldn't you get hurt?" I asked, a bit worried.

"No big deal, now hurry!" He said, holding up his arms.

Ok, concentrate... Focus... And Now!

"Water dragon's Iron Fist!" I yelled and charged with a water fist. I punched Natsu and he flew back and hit a tree.

He groaned and still grinned.

"NATSU!!" I cried out and rushed towards him. I kneeled down and saw both of his arms bleeding.

"I'll be okay Lucy. Don't worry." He groaned more and I started panicking.

"No I'm not gonna leave you like this idiot, I gotta help!" I yelled and my hands turned into water.

"Okay I'm sure that I've completely mastered this but here." I said, wrapping my fingers around his arms. Slowly the wounds started to disappear on both arms and he was left with a shocked expression.

"Where did you learn that Lucy?!" He asked, still shocked.

"Juvia taught it to me, but she didn't teach much of it." I said sitting down next to him.

"Oh." Was all that escaped his mouth.

"I was worried there for a minute Natsu." I rubbed my head. "Jeez."

"There was nothing to worry about." He sighed resting closer to me.

"Sure, ask the huge wounds on your arms." I countered and sighed.

"But you were there to help me, weren't you?" He asked, and I was silenced. That was true.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and leaned in closer to me.

"Natsu..." I said and he leaned in a little closer.

"Stop..." I said and he ignored and got closer.

"You have Lisanna." I finally said and he still got closer. What was his deal today?

"But all I want is you..." He moaned and suddenly he kissed me. Sparks flew every where and my cheeks were burning hot. I never expected this side of Natsu, the more tender and romantic type.

We both released and he was blushing. Natsu? Blushing?! Wha???

"I love you Luce." He said and looked me straight in the eye.

"I-I love you too Natsu." I said, looking back into his.

***Natsu's POV***

I finally did it. I confessed to Lucy! It felt so good, knowing she felt the same way. She was perfect, in every way. She was kind, smart, funny. She had it all. I finally did it.

I was about to kiss her again until I heard a snap in the bushes.

"Whose there?!" I yelled and shot fire at the bush.

"Ow! Flame head do you want to get us killed?!" Grey roared, rubbing his head.

"Y-you saw the whole thing?!" Lucy gasped.

"Yes, we did." Erza stepped out and smiled.

"You finally did it flame brain." Grey chuckled and I went red.

"We saw you improve Lucy, and you kiss Natsu." Erza stated, then wiggled her eyebrows.

"He liiiikes her!" Happy sang out of the bushes.

"Shuddup cat." Lucy mumbled, blushing. I kissed her cheek and her eyes widened.

"Awww." They aww'd.

Yep. She was the only one I wanted. Forever and always.

Fairy Tail of My Heart (NaLu Fanfiction) [UNDERGOING SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now