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Paul opens the car and helps me to my feet, changing his demeanour from tough guy to gentleman in a matter of seconds.

After not even 5 minutes the boat comes to an abrupt stop. Jim sticks his head through the trap door in the ceiling all the while yelling that we’ve arrived.

Paul must have seen the confused look on face because he started explaining that they didn’t know where to go so just left the engine on but not moving anywhere in particular.

I could have kissed him just then. I was so thankful that they hadn’t hurt me in anyway and that I could be home in bed in under half an hour. But what they did was wrong, so I should probably tell the police about them…

Paul breaks my daydreams by coming down and asking in that arrogant voice of his “Are you coming up anytime soon?”

The prospect of being out in the open jogs my tried feet and I start practically sprinting down the deck to the ladder.

When I finally get out in the open I stop for a second, just appreciating that I didn’t get hurt and that I'm not mentally scared or anything.

I look out onto the green sea bobbing its way to nowhere, the bustling port in front of me full of people all in a rush and I am so happy to be me.


me again! i know ive said it so many times but i am serious, thankyou so much for reading this. this is the end of the story so i would really love to hear your opinions on it.

lots and lots of love


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