Chapter 24: Crushes?

Start from the beginning

"Fine," I sighed as we got up to leave, "Let's go before we're late. Besides, I have gym and Lena will kill me if I don't arrive on time since she doesn't have a lock for our gym locker."

"You have first period with Lena?" Alex asked as we walked out of the music room with our coats and bags.

I smirked, "Yes. Would you like me to tell her you say hi?"

His cheeks turned just the slightest pink color, "No, no. I was just curious."

"Uh-huh," I said, still smirking, "Just curious."

"Carmen," he groaned.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Don't say it," he pleaded.

"I wasn't going to say anything," I said, still playing innocent even though I knew full well what he was talking about; his crush on Lena. He claims he didn't have one but I knew better.

And boy did I really know better.

"Maybe not," he said, shaking his brown hair out of his eyes, "But you were thinking it."

"Guilty as charged," I grinned.


" you have any ideas aboutAustin?" Lena asked as we jogged around the indoor track for our warm-up, first period gym class.

I sighed, "Not a clue."

"Your demon friend doesn't know any other demons that might help?" Lena asked as the teacher yelled at us to slow down. We both ignored her; we were barely even winded and we were way ahead of the class.

I shook my head, "I asked but she hasn't stayed in touch with any other demons and if she did, they died," I frowned, picking up speed, trying to let out my frustration at not being able to find a solution.

"She did give me some tips on how to keep Caleb from making me flip out and Change," I said as Lena sped up to keep up with me, her black pony tail bouncing from side to side as she ran.

"Really? Like what? Tape his mouth shut?" she teased.

"If only that would work," I laughed, "But no, she just told me not to listen to him. That everything he says is normally a lie just to get under my skin. The times he says something true is just to get me started; the lies come out when I'm too angry to realize they're lies."

"So just ignore him?" Lena asked as we rounded the last bend of the track, "That'll be hard."

"No, it's not just ignoring him," I said, "It's just whenever he says something it'd be a good idea to actually pay attention. You may learn a thing or two since he has no trouble spilling his guts sometimes," I shook my head in disbelief, "But anyways, Natasha said that once he starts trying to get under my skin and lying, that I should take what he said and convince myself it's just him trying to make me angry and then back up my theory with an argument to prove he was wrong."

"I think I follow," Lena said slowly, "Can I have an example?"

"Oh God, um..." I scrunched my face up as I thought, trying to think of another example other than the one that Natasha gave me. "Wait, we'll finish our sprint and while everyone's finishing up I'll give you one since I'm having trouble thinking of one."

She nodded and we both kicked into high gear, sprinting the last stretch of the track and shooting right past our teacher who was writing down times.

Lena and I became amazing actresses now; we pretended to pant and be winded and have cramps but if you actually paid attention we weren't even sweating. We continued to pretend like we were exhausted and dying of thirst as we walked to the far side of the field to get 'water'. As soon as we were out of earshot of the teacher I gave Lena an example. She caught on pretty quickly and then we moved onto other random subjects.

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