Chapter 17: Catching Up

Start from the beginning

"I'll call Dad and tell him to call the school," she assured me, kissing my forehead, "I'll see you when I get back from school okay?"

I nodded and listened to her footsteps recede and my door close.

I checked the time and saw she would be leaving in around ten minutes. Perfect. I could take a quick shower while she was still here.

When I emerged from my shower and dressed, I winced at my face. My eyes were still bloodshot from my almost Change yesterday and had bruises under them from my restless and limited slumber. My face was still pale looking and my body still felt sore but fortunately all my scars were gone so that was a plus.

I wandered downstairs and ate breakfast, although I didn't particularly feel like eating I knew I needed too.

I lay on the couch and watched cartoons for almost forty five minutes before the doorbell rang. I hauled myself up off the couch and hobbled to the door way, trying to practice walking normally even though my limbs felt stiff and sore.

I opened the door and there was a loud squealing noise, or rather, noises.

"Whoa!" I cried as it seemed everyone bolted through the front door and attacked me in a huge, group hug.

"Guys! Need air!" I gasped and they all let go immediately.

"Sorry!" Keira exclaimed, "We were just excited."

"I figured as much," I said, rolling my eyes as I rolled my shoulders slightly.

I looked around the room as Aiden and Lance walked in, carrying bags.

I arched an eyebrow, "What are you guys? Slaves?"

"Seems like it," Aiden said making a face.

"Oh, suck it up and be a man," Brett said, sticking his tongue out at him.

"Says the guy who rushed in to avoid carrying anything," Lance shot back, dropping the bags by the door before closing it behind him. I hurried forward and locked the door.

As soon as I was done I was suddenly picked up and thrown over Lance's shoulder.

"What the hell, Lance?!" I exclaimed in surprise as he grabbed hold of my ankles and pushed me so I was dangling completely over his shoulder.

"You didn't keep in touch," he explained, dipping me closer to the floor.

"Hey! That's not my fault!" I protested, feeling the blood rush to my head as my slightly damp hair hung around my face, upside down.

He pulled me back so I was dangling evenly on each side of his shoulder, "Whose fault is it then?"

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