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Words. They are far more powerful than people realize. Of course there are people who know and still abuse words. Using them to cut you deep within, all the way to the soul, the hardest part to fix. However, you can also use them to uplift and heal, and even use them on yourself. If someone has hurt you using words, than tell yourself daily the opposite of whatever it was that they said to you. Do it until you can notice a difference, and then keep right on going. Do it until you believe it.

Now, one of the hardest parts of this, is not turning around and spewing the hurtful words right back out at others. Unfortunately, this is a common response when verbally abused, however, you can make a conscious choice not to do it. At first you may have to just catch yourself when you start doing it and stop yourself immediately. And as time goes by, you will get better and better at not even starting to say something hurtful. Even if you think of it, you will just smash the thought before it reaches your mouth. Than you can start replacing the hurtful words with kinder, healing words. I guarantee you, this is one of the top 10 most important things you will ever learn how to do.

Words. They can bless, or they can curse, the choice is yours.

~Matthias Southwick

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