I finally laid my body down with a breath of fatigue, I was so tired and relaxed now.

I put my leg on the new blanket Mrs. Rose got me. She came to see me today... She's so adorable.

I needed to get on a sleep schedule so I was going to force myself to stay awake.

I needed to get back in my daily, lively hood habits.

I had to sit up and take my tank top off so I found it in myself to do so.

My abdomen was still sore and my ribs were still healing but it was way more manageable now.

I was pulling my tank top over my head when we heard a knock on the door, following the door slowly opening.

I finished pulling my shirt off to see Alisha and Shay.

Alisha started to trip and stutter.

"S-sorry u-umm" she tried to say as Shay stood behind her.

Shay laughed. "Girl what the hell?" She spoke with a giggle.

Shay couldn't even see me so she only heard Alisha stuttering.

I could tell Alisha was trying not to look at my body but it was obvious that she couldn't help herself.

I heard her curse under her breath.

She got one last glance while her face blushed adorably as she closed the door, she pushed Shay out with her.

Alisha hasn't seen my chest or body in awhile... I guess it didn't help that I still had my thick abs and strong, built chest.

I thought it was cute that she started stuttering and trying not to look as she closed the door to wait until I was done.

She was acting as if she hadn't seen me naked a million times.

I chuckled with Carter as I heard Alisha whispering fast and harshly outside my room.

I couldn't make out what she was saying but I smiled to myself at her reaction.

I put my arm back in my sling and laid there comfortably.

My health was getting so much better.

My body was healing.

The burns were healing, the cuts were more healed than the bruises, the abdomen pain was going away more often and the rib pain was still there but it wasn't near as intense.

My shoulder was on time too. It still has rapid waves of pain and inflammation, but all that is supposed to go away the longer I'm in physical therapy so it won't take long.

Along with my shoulder, my leg still had to heal.

That was going to be the most extensive part. It was definitely going to take the longest.

I had plates and screws all throughout it, along with ligament repairs.

The stitches on the side of my lower stomach, came out weeks ago so that's good... And as for the chemical explosion effects, they were gone according to the tests I passed a couple days ago.

I feel like I'm doing good.

I even remembered and explained every detail of the accident. From what was happening every second, to what was going through my head.

I didn't get into graphic detail with exactly everybody but I did get into detail of course with certain people.

I also found out what Alisha said when she snapped on Monè when she was throwing a sympathy party for herself the day I got in the accident.

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