tre; shaking hands

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03. TRE : shaking hands (n.e)

The numbness had yet to wear off. Both she and Bella were still in a state of shock about the whole ordeal, and Cecilia took every precaution she could with her friend. Since they arrived, Cecilia had been delicate with Bella just in case so she wouldn't over step any unknown lines.

She was in constant movement.

Her hands never quite stopped shaking, and they were always leaving feather light touches against Bella's shoulder as if to reassure not just the girl, but herself that everything was okay. It had only been a good thirty minutes before Bella's father came storming into the ER where the two were sure entry waiting for her to be released.

"Bella, are you okay?" he called, rushing past nurses and doctors. As he walked, she noticed that his expression went from scared to worried to angry within a span of three seconds the moment he noticed Tyler sitting two beds away from the girls. He pointed at Tyler, not bothering to stop as he glared and walked toward his daughter. "You and I are gonna talk."

Her father's expression soften slightly as he made it to where Cecilia was rubbing Bella's back, comforting her hunched over form. "You alright?"

"I'm fine dad, calm down. Cecilia drive me here just to make sure," Bella stated, frowning a bit before pointing to the strawberry blonde who seemed to be distracted by something else.

And she was. Cecilia was staring at the wall with a small frown on her face, mind miles away from the situation. She was worried for Bella, of course she was, but she was also worried for herself. The hospital was a place Cecilia hated to be, whether it was for someone she loved or for her pitiful self.

She was snapped out of her gaze, Tyler's apologetic voice filling her ears. It was weird to hear someone apologize to another for getting hurt more than them. Bella hadn't been scratched because somehow Edward Cullen had gotten to her in time which made no sense. She was pretty sure he was standing with Rosalie across the parking lot when it all happened. The whole accident just made no sense to her. "I'm sorry, Bella, I tried to stop."

"I know, it's okay," she reassured, slumping over a bit on the uncomfortable bed.

"No, as sure as hell it's not okay," Sheriff Swan snapped, glaring at the boy in the bed next to the two girls. Cecilia took a seat on the hard bed next to Bella, who scooted over to make room for the brunette. 

"Dad, it wasn't his fault." Bella tried her best to placate him, but it only turned into a fruitless attempt of arguing.

"You could've been killed," he argued venomously. Even Cecilia winced at his harsh words even if they weren't supposed to be directed at her. "You understand that?"

"Yes. But I wasn't, so..." Bella trailed off weakly, unable to find the right words. Cecilia pursed her lips, giving her friend a worried look. She had no say in this conversation, only a bystander watching a near death experience bring a family closer together and farther apart.

Before Bella could finish, Sheriff Swan turned to Tyler. "You can kiss your license goodbye."

Both Cecilia and Bella sat in a stunned silence as they watched her father yell at poor Tyler. The boy didn't know what to do other than repeat the same words over and over again. Before the sheriff could yell again, he was stopped by the soothing voice of another man.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was in..." Dr.Cullen strode over to the three with grace, his pale face covered with a smile. The white lab coat he wore did nothing on his complexion and his hair was almost as light as his skin leaving him to almost look like he was albino.

In My Time of Dying ◦ Rosalie HaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ