No. 21

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"But you are a chosen race,
a royal priesthood,
a holy nation,
a people for His own possession
that you may proclaim
the excellencies
of Him who called you
out of darkness
into His marvelous light."
-- 1 Peter 2:9


Alivia and I walked back to the Olson house hand in hand. Our sweet moment together had lifted my spirits significantly, but the situation still weighed on my shoulders. While I appreciated the Olson's taking me in and everything, I had a sudden desire for my own family.

It surprised me, since I hadn't experienced a feeling like that very often in my life. While it was completely foreign, it was also familiar. All those times my parents didn't show up for things or they didn't help me out-- that feeling was there. That I knew I needed them and wanted them to want to be there.

That evening when I watched Mrs. Olson roll her husband into the living room, I realized I wanted my parents to be loving like that. I wanted to have a good, God-built relationship with them, but I didn't know how. The want in me burned so much it hurt.

I shifted my weight on the cushions of the couch as the pair of them came in to start watching TV with us. Mr. Olson looked contently at Sawyer, Alivia, and I, like it was normal for some kid to just show up at their house. It struck me that none of them made me staying there all that odd or even awkward. I was just one of them and that was that. It was that way from the beginning, with them never missing a beat to make me feel like this was my home.


I glanced at the family. All of them had smiles on their faces, making the occasional comment about the show. Alivia sat beside her father on the floor as he stroked her hair. Mrs. Olson was beaming at Sawyer as he talked, as if he had just won a gold medal.

When he was finished explaining, his mother hugged him with an excited grin. I wondered why my family hadn't turned out like this, and it hurt. It wasn't anyone's fault we weren't like them, it just... Was what it was.

"Hey, thank you," I said in a moment of silence. They all turned toward me and I smiled. "Thanks for doing all of this for me."

"Why wouldn't we, dear?" Mrs. Olson asked, tucking a red curl behind her ear.

"I mean, I'm just some random kid Sawyer brought home one day," I joked, which got Sawyer laughing.

"We're all about picking up random kids, aren't we?" Mr. Olson teased, winking at his wife.

"At least we scored one son," Mrs. Olson replied, squeezing Sawyer's shoulder. He grinned.

"If we didn't pick up random kids, I wouldn't have a brother," Alivia jumped in.

"Or a boyfriend," Sawyer commented, nodding at me. Immediately she began blushing, muttering something under her smile.

"I'll take that role," I said, laughing.

"In all seriousness though, I didn't mind picking you up when you were walking home that day," Sawyer said, shrugging.

"Why?" I asked. "Why me?"

The family exchanged looks, like they shared some terrific inside joke I hadn't picked up on.

"Because I was a random kid too," Sawyer told me, smiling a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"Sawyer is our foster son," Mr. Olson revealed, sounding proud. "He was young and we basically found him alone. So we invited him to stay with us. One thing led to another and here we are, a family."

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