First World Problems.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah because they know that detective pretty boy will point his gun at their heads if they do." Hailey laughs and Iris does too. "I will see you later, Iris." She says smiling and Iris nods.

"See ya'" That's the last thing Hailey hears before walking out of the building, on her way to S.T.A.R Labs.


"That was too close." Caitlin says as she sees Cisco's drone shooting to Barry. Hailey was sitting on one of the chairs while she looks worriedly to the red blur running around the landing track of Ferris Air, their usual training place for Barry's runs.

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco defends himself as his gaze goes from the drone to the tablet on his hands.

"Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." Hailey says smiling but with a worried look.

"Of course I wouldn't kill him, i would be risking my own life too." Cisco responds. "You would go rogue if he died." Cisco says it as a joke but Hailey tenses, what if she goes rogue?.

"Yeah, sure." Hailey mutters, laying onto the chair.

"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training excited to improve Barry's speed." Dr.Wells states as he looks at Cisco and Hailey.

"Why can't i train?" Hailey asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"You will, we are still trying to analyze what can you do with your powers." Dr.Wells responds.

"But i have to put myself out there to learn what i can do." Hailey declares and Dr.Wells shakes his head.

"You have to learn how to fight first."

"Cisco, you are gonna bring it or what?" Barry's voice sounds through one of the speakers making Hailey jump a little. Cisco looks at Dr.Wells with an 'i told you so' look.

"Bring it." Dr.Wells tilts his head as he smiles.

Cisco clicks some things on the tablet and of the missiles is shot, Barry is going fast but maybe not too fast. The missile explodes and Barry flies into the air just to fall and roll down the asphalt. Everyone looks at Barry with surprise and Hailey restrains herself from running towards him to help him.
Barry groans and closes his eyes from the pain, but struggles to get back up.

"Oh god." Hailey says with a cocky smile. "He never gives up."

"That's Barry Allen for you." Cisco says while shaking his head lightly and looking at him.

But the drone is still going and Barry is still getting up.

"Why isn't him running away?!" Hailey gets up from the chair. "Barry, run away." Hailey mutters hoping that Barry listens to her and does as she says. But he is still on the same place he was a second ago.

The drone shots a missile and Barry is running towards it, as fast as he can. And in a second Barry is holding the missile and shots it back to the drone, the drone explodes into a million piece.
Everyone backs up a little with surprise.

"That's my boy." Hailey smiles proudly.
Barry approaches to the crew, as he stretches his arms and groans a little.
"I think you deserve a big belly burger." Hailey smiles as she walks towards him.

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