I almost thought nobody was staying because I talked to everybody who was leaving already.

I gave up on who was going to be here as I began to fall asleep... My daze was cut off when I heard someone come into the room slowly and quietly.

I couldn't open my eyes because I was falling asleep rapidly so I didn't know who it was.... Plus the nurses put something in my eyes to make the swelling go down faster.

The surgeon said that I would be asleep for hours upon hours because of the medication he gave me. He said it would overload my body as soon as I fell asleep.

The nurses also told me I would be feeling much better and my eyes shouldn't be as painfully swollen any longer.

... I forgot everything else they said. Even though they told me I'm a miracle and doing so good... I don't feel like it.

I mean, I couldn't even pay attention to what they were saying because I was getting lightheaded and trying to gain consciousness while it threatened to overtake my body.

... I was laying there, trying to breathe my way into the submission of the pain medication when I felt somebody put their small hand softly in mine.

I knew exactly who's it was...

I tried not to cry.

I tried to breath out as evenly as I could.

I was suddenly so overwhelmed with emotion, joy, happiness yet sadness and regret.... all at the same time.

I tried to grip her hand back but my hand only tightened around her hand a little bit because my body was so weak.

I let out a painful breath of frustration.

"It's okay... Just go back to sleep" I heard Alisha's soft comforting voice speak to me.

I couldn't help but to shutter at her voice.

I began falling asleep at a more quicker pace when I felt a hesitated hand in my hair.

Alisha was playing in my hair softly and innocently like she used to.

A brief thought of my beaten up body crossed my mind only because I wanted to be held by her.... I didn't even care about my injuries because Alisha was here.

Nobody else really mattered to me at this moment... I tried to talk but I felt the strong medication begin to take over my sore body.

*Many Hours Later*

I breathed out as I began to wake up.

I realized that my body wasn't radiating in pain... The nurses must have renewed my medication over and over while I slept.

I slowly tried to open my eyes over and over again but they were still so sore.

I breathed out when I finally was able to open them a little.

Even though my vision was blurry for right now, the room was dark so I knew the windows were closed.

As I sat there, I tried to get my vision fully back.

I breathed out when the blurriness started to go away in my half opened, puffy eyes.

I than tried to look around to find Alisha but it was hard because I couldn't move my neck at all.

I looked at my right side to see her asleep.

I let out a soft breath of relief.

She was laying her head gently by my hand on my bed as she sat in a uncomfortable, wood chair.

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