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"So Erwin how's that boy of your doing?"

Erwin placed the glass of wine down onto the table.

"He's fine dad."

"Then why didn't you bring him along, I feel like I've been waiting to meet him forever."

Erwin smiled smugly.

"Oh. Eren is not... well."


Eren carefully put on his jacket, making sure not to hurt his cuts any further.

He pulled down the beanie on his head further down.

With a sigh he grabbed his bag off the couch making his way over to the front door.

He closed the door behind him not looking back.


Eren limped down the pitch black street.

The cold wind blew against his face, making it numb and bright red.

Only a few more blocks.


Eren checked the crumpled paper in his pocket making sure he had the right address.

His shaking hand reached up to bang on the door.

He averted his eyes to the floor hearing a muffled 'Coming!'

He heard the door unlock and pulled open.

He looked up glad to see who opened the door.

"Mr. Ackerman...."

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