The Wiccan Chosen One (Chap. 2)

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Chapter 2

~~~Katheren's P.O.V. ~~~

"I am tired. Can we just go to sleep?" I begged Daren as we were leaving my Grandmother's house that night.

He pouted, trying to cover his laugh, he said, "But I wanted to take you out."

"Sure, you can, but I will probably be asleep before we even get there."

"Okay, tomorrow then," he laughed, heading towards the hotel in which we were staying. Grams had said that we could stay with her and Gramps, but knowing her, we would be shoved in two different rooms with theirs in between us. Back in Seattle, even though we were engaged, we still lived with our families. He lived with his parents and I lived with my aunt.

I was glad that my grandparents- my grandfather had shown us a little while after we got there- had accepted Daren's and I choices. They-and my aunt- were all I had left. My parents were killed in a fire, well I had actually learned later that they were killed by warlocks while I was at a sleepover. Even now, four years later, it still got to me, I don't think that grieving for them will ever cease.

"Kates are you alright?" Kates was Daren's special name for me, he was the only one who ever called me that besides my parents.

I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Yeah Daren, I just want to rest."

"Okay," he said parking and coming over to open up my door so he could grab my hand and lead me into the hotel. I leaned heavily against him as we made it up to our room.

When we finally got into our room, I fell onto the bed without even trying to take off my shoes or anything. I heard Daren's chuckle, then I felt him pulling off my shoes. "Either you get up and change into pajamas by yourself," he told me, "Or I will str-"

I jerked into an upright position. "I'm up."

He laughed again. "Damn and I was looking forward to you not moving."

I playfully hit on the arm before I went into the bathroom to change.

When I was done, I snuggled into bed next to Daren and fell into a blissful sleep.

"Kates, it's time to wake up," I heard Daren say faintly. I groaned but did open my eyes. I felt a shock suddenly and I woke up.

"What did you do?"

His brow furrowed. "I gave you a kiss on the forehead, is that wrong?"

"Yes," I murmured sitting up and leaning towards him slowly. "You either kiss me on the lips, or you can find someone else to kiss."

"Well I can't bare that second option, so I guess that I will have to take it like a man and take the first option," he whispered and closed the distance between us.

My favorite thing to do was to kiss Daren. It made me feel safe, loved, and most importantly, it felt right. My life was so confusing, so hard sometimes, but kissing Daren made me forget that anything was even wrong. I clung to him and kissed him even more passionately. I felt my head hit the pillow again and I felt Daren's body was pressed against mine but I didn't feel any of his weight.

I broke away gasping and he moved his lips to my throat. In all the times that we had kissed, we had never done anything like this. "" I was able to gasp out.

"I don't want to stop," he mumbled against my skin.

"But we need to," I told him. I was astonished that I could actually talk in complete sentences with the way that his lips, his closeness, was making me feel so lightheaded.

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