"It's okay. Just get back here so we can wait in line." I whisper yell at him in the most demanding tone I can.

"Don't be scared of all these people!" he yells loudly even though the most I could be standing from him is four feet. "I'm richer than all of them combined. If they hurt you I can just make them hurt worse."

I can't believe he just said that, and loud enough for everybody to hear too. I mean, what kind of person is okay with doing that?

But nonetheless, before Ryan could make a bigger mockery out of me, I creep up to the front of the line as quickly as I can with the cart. I ignored the death glares and the lasers piercing my skin, and I kept my eyes trained on the meat in front of me. I was hungry. The quicker I could get this done with, the better.

"So what meat do you want?" he asks, just as a familiar high pitched squeal erupts and says, "Oh my god! Ms. Taylor?"

My head sharply turns from Ryan's to the bubbly blonde that stood before me. 5'7 in height, she's the reminder of the girl I wished to be if I went to high school, even standing behind a deli counter. Her green eyes sparkle in my direction as I look her up and down.

You'd think the uniforms at work would look bad on everyone, but no, somehow she manages to make it work. The white shirt somehow looks tighter on her, showing her cleavage over the counter.  Her thick blonde locks are pulled up into a tight bun. Her cheeks were a nice blush and her lips a soft pink, like they always are. Sometimes I wander if she's actually not a high school student and instead a goddess sent from the heavens. If only her attitude could be as good as her face.

"Hello Missy!"I reply. My posture immediately changes. Time to get into teacher mode. "I didn't know you worked here."

"Oh, it's because I'm on a no deli diet so I like being around deli. It makes me feel better about myself since I'm not eating it." she says this with a large smile, brandishing her straight white teeth, as if she'd just climbed a mountain 1,000 feet high in a snowstorm and survived. "Plus, I really want these new shoes from Prada but they're super expensive and my daddy won't get them for me."

"Oh, I see." I reply. My body filled with tension as the awkwardness of the situation overtook me. Missy just kept brandishing that smile.

"Marie, what kind of meat do you want?" Ryan asks again from my side. He's intensely eyeing the choices in front of him.

"Ooh, who's this?" Missy suddenly speaks up. "Is he like, your boyfriend or something?"

A timid laugh begins to build up in my chest before I can answer. "No, he's no-"

"Yeah." Ryan answers, cutting me off.

I snap a quick death glare at him before turning back to Missy with a fake smile that matches hers. "No, he's just my friend."

"Her boyfriend." He says before sticking his hand out. "Ryan Evans. Millionaire. It's a pleasure to meet you . . ."

"Missy." she finishes as she takes her glove off and meets Ryan's hand with a firm shake. "Not only do you have looks but you're rich too. Oh my god! Taylor, how on earth did you manage to snag a guy like this?"

"It's complicated."  I mumble.

"I know, I ask myself the same question all the time." Ryan answers, leaning close to the counter as he uses his elbow to balance his weight. His voice seductive and more coarse. Oh my god, was he flirting with her? "There are so many more foxy ladies out there such as yourself. Why did I choose Marie?" Yep! He was, and putting me down in the process. "We'll have 3 pounds of seasoned turkey and a pound of provolone cheese, extra spicy." Ryan winks at her, as if there was some hidden joke in what he was saying that the two of them understood, but I couldn't.

"Coming right up!" she squeals in an equally seductive tone.

As she fixates on preparing our order, I turn to Ryan and slap him in the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Ryan screams.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably for flirting with my underage student." I remark.

"What is she? Seventeen? That's only a four year difference!" he starts. "Plus, it's not like I was going to sleep with her or something. I was only flirting."

"Please do not tell me that one of your hobbies is flirting with teenage girls." I plead. It was bad enough to know he was a whiner, but a whiner and a cougar? I don't think I could take it.

"No, Marie! How could you possibly think so low of me? What kind of person do you think I am?"

"The kind of person I met at a bar who's paying me to be his girlfriend and I've only know for a little less than 24 hours?" I state, though it ends up coming out more like a question.

"Exactly. And would a bad guy offer a person in need a place to stay and money?"

"Yes." I answer abruptly.

"Whatever, you get my point. But you've got to trust me." he says. "I'm not some rapist. I don't go around flirting aimlessly, I have my reasons. And besides, I'd hardly call that flirting. I was merely complimenting her. That way she can lower the price, I know you're tight on money right now."

Ryan did that for me? He flirted with her, for me? I didn't know what to say. In his own way, I guess all he was doing was trying to help. That was actually kind of sweet, and a warm feeling began to expand in my chest as a small smile spreads across my face. It's been a while since anyone's tried helping me. Ryan's done enough to make up for everybody else's fill.

"Wow, I'm touched." I say. "So you do have a heart."

"Ha ha, very funny. But I didn't do it for you." The warm feeling is gone and my smile drops. "I did it for me. If you end up broke you're going to ask me for more money, and sorry sister, but that ain't going to happen."

I'm about to throw very bad words in Ryan's direction, but before I can, Missy returns with our order and I am forced to pop back into my teacher role.

"Here's your order. Extra spicy." Missy giggles. I take everything in me not to role my eyes and reach for the package, but Missy completely ignores me as she hands it to Ryan instead. "Who knew a little spice could lower the price." she whispers in his ear. As we walk away, Ryan gives me an all too knowing smile. I roll my eyes and keep moving forward.


And that is a wrap! I was going to make it longer but I just wasn't up to writing any more so I'm splitting this chapter in two. Sorry if it seems short.


Other than that, I really hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, and SHARE! I will see all you beautiful people after my next update.

Until next time, peace!

Trailer up ahead is made by the amazing @Astariel She is the wonderful graphic designer and writer (go check out her books, they're awesome) who made this trailer for an upcoming book I plan on sharing with you guys. I'm writing this story with a friend and hope to publish this as a real book. Her making this has sparked inspiration and some new ideas that we hope to include in our story. @Astariel thank you so much! :D

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