Chapter six

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I looked over my shoulder back at the forest. There was no way that I was going back inside the forest,

“Maybe I could just sleep here,” I said aloud, “I could sneak into the forest, just the very edge mind you, just before Scorpius comes to get me. I mean there’s no need for Scorpius to know that I didn’t spend the entire night in the forest.” I smiled to myself. I put my wand in my back pocket and curled up on the floor.

I woke up to the cold morning air. My muscles were stiff and my eyes were jammed closed with sleep,

“What are you doing there Rose?” I prised my eyes open to see Hagrid standing over me,

“Umm…Sleeping,” I said unsurely, I wasn’t sure what I should tell Hagrid, I couldn’t tell him that I was supposed to be sleeping in the forest. Hagrid sighed and helped me up,

“Come on Rose, I’ll make you a cup of tea in my hut.” I followed Hagrid to the front of his hut and walked inside. Instead of walking over to the wooden chairs sat around a table like I normally do when I visit Hagrid I walked over to his enormous bed that was sat in the far corner of the room. I flung myself down on it. Hagrid laughed as he brought a mug over to me,

“Feel free to have a sleep, I’m need to go and finish my duties,” Hagrid carefully set the cup down next to me and headed for the door. I knew that I couldn’t go to sleep. According to the clock on the hut’s wall it was just past six, I had to be back in the forest by eight and if I fell asleep I risked over sleeping. I drank the tea that Hagrid had left me and then I flung myself across the bed. It was nice to be lying on a soft mattress after spending the night a hard ground.

My eyes sprung open as there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the clock: ten past eight. I must have fallen asleep! There was another knock at the door, Hagrid got up from the chair which he was sitting at and walked over. I panicked. I could well be Scorpius at the door. I dived under the covers. I heard Hagrid open the door,

“Oh, Hello Scorpius, what can I do for you?”

“Hi Hagrid, I was wondering if you’d seen Rose Weasley,”

“Yes I have actually, she’s over there on the bed.” I could hear Scorpius’s footsteps. With a quick flourish Scorpius whisked the covers off me,

“It looks like I win then,” He whispered,

“No!” I cried, “I’ve only been here five minutes, which means that I did the dare, I came out after eight o’clock.” Scorpius smirked,

“Is that so? Hagrid, how long has Rose been here?”

“A few hours, I found her asleep behind my cabin!” Scorpius raised his eyebrows,

“Is that so, well come on then, lets go to breakfast Rose, our should I say servant!” Scorpius pulled me out of Hagrid bed and out of the hut.

“You couldn’t have spent the entire night there,” I said unhappily. Scorpius shrugged,

“It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t my dare, what happened anyway?”

“I got attacked by an acromantula blood-sucking bugbear cross so I ran out of the forest and slept behind Hagrid’s hut.”

“So how long did you spend in the forest then?”

“It can’t have been more than an hour-“ Scorpius burst out laughing, I sighed, “so it looks like I’m your servant now, what will you have me do first?” Scorpius shuck his head,

“I’ll be nice, instead of being my servant today you can be my servant on Saturday, you become my servant a midnight on Friday!”

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